Friday, August 24, 2012

You do not need a score card, just have your eyes wide open!

Yes! Yes! It's Friday folks and I bid you welcome to the mixed up musings that are messing with my mind here on this August 24, 2012. The campaign ad that was being run by one of the Obama surrogate groups stood their ground in portraying Candidate Romney as being responsible for a woman dying from cancer. It was totally debunked from the get go by fact checkers far and wide. The President was asked to intervene. He wouldn't call for that ad to be taken down. Why? It's the Chicago way folks. It had one thing going for it. Some uninformed souls were buying what it was selling. The Company Romney once headed shut down the enterprise where this woman's husband worked. Romney was no longer involved since he was at the time heading up the Salt Lake Olympics. The ad attempted to link this lady's loss of insurance to her death but the facts proved otherwise. She actually had insurance for at least five years from the company she worked for after her husband was laid off. See what I mean? Last week our military noted a sad statistic. Our nation's warriors reported the highest number of US Army suicides since records have been kept. President Obama is the Commander and Chief. What if someone floated an ad linking him directly to the deaths of these patriots? I bet the hollering would begin. It's amazing to observe all of this stuff folks. In fact, it drives me. Right to my knees. Amen.

Sounds like you are a Romney man? Not so, my friend. But, I do have a level of disgust reserved for the shameful political games being played. I feel in a similar way about Romney's massive wealth. He is a rich guy. That's not a sin. In America, people can work and become well off. His tip toeing around and dodging this and that about his money, well, to me, that's hurting not helping his cause. Some folks may not vote for him because he is rich. I would rather have someone who worked hard and became wealthy than a politician like the Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid who has become well off since being elected. He came to the Congress with very little in the way of personal financial resources. He is now worth millions and even though they are fairly well paid, there's no rhyme or reason as to how he could have become so wealthy. See what I mean? It's a form of pollution and it permeates the air and I can't think of a spot on the globe where it is more saturated than in Washington D.C. I got my immunization against shingles the other day. Too bad we can't be inoculated against the plague of politics. Better hang on. I'm on a roll now!

Some say it is a big turn off. You should not be surprised to know that the folks who put all of this out are not only aware of the turn off factor, but, they are even counting on it. They are hoping to turn off the right set of folks. But, I will not belabor this foray into enemy territory any longer. It has been an event filled week and it's time for the chief bottle washer here at the blogger ranch to take a couple of days to recharge his batteries. Believe me, politics does not dominate my life. I am an interested observer but faith and family are certainly at the top of my list each day. That's why I look forward to Saturday and Sunday. I work on my lesson each Saturday morning and then we get the privilege of sharing God's Word on Sunday, worshiping with other like minded believers, and in being refreshed by the fellowship of brothers and sisters in Christ. We can also throw in a little time spent with children, grandchildren, and great grandchild, along with some NASCAR and some stout Community and you have yourself the recipe for a battery recharging weekend. (In fact, my wife is putting together a little deferred birthday luncheon for myself and the family for this coming Sunday. She hopes to provide a Thanksgiving style meal in August. Now that will be something!) I feel a little recharge static building up already. Take care now and may God bless us all until we meet again. Amen.       .....More later.

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