Friday, August 10, 2012

"It usually takes me more than three weeks to prepare a good impromptu speech." Mark Twain

Yes siree Bob, and everyone else too, it is Friday, August 10, 2012. Best can be told, the yes siree idiom has been around at least from the mid 1800's. The first record of Bob being added is from 1876. The usage indicates an emphatic affirmation of something absolutely. And, that's what I intended in using it. The idiom dictionary was clear that originally it was used by itself without a male or female connection. I suppose you have to make those distinctions clear these days. Now you can take that information along with $4 and get yourself a cup of what they pass off as coffee down at one of those specialty shops. That $4 will almost buy you half of a pound of Community. Just saying. I am able to stream the BBC early in the morning and to say they are excited about the Olympics would be a huge understatement. They are reporting record viewing in Great Britain and also all over the world. They say that some 4.5 billion people have watched at least some of the Olympic coverage since the games began. With 7 billion folks on the planet, I would say that is a pretty good market share. Now. If I could get each of those 4.5 billion to send me one penny, maybe I could take some writing courses and improve my daily discourses. You what? You doubt it? Anyway, it's a thought.

I heard a top Republican political analyst discussing all the reasons why this upcoming election should be a slam dunk for the Republican candidate. Should be. No one in history since data has been gathered has been reelected with the bad economy of our current President. And, there are stacks of other statistics that go against him being able to reclaim the Oval Office. Yet, as it was put before, "Houston, we have a problem." Instead of a landslide coming, the race continues to be neck and neck with the President holding his ground. What's wrong? Only one thing. It's obvious that it's not only 'The Economy Stupid', sadly, it's also the candidate chosen to represent those of us who espouse a conservative viewpoint. Out of all the things that could be fixed, I fear that's the one that can't be. Sorry. It's not a defeated attitude, it just happens to line up with my thinking from the get go. Go ahead and add this little piece of insight to the yes siree story and you can still purchase your coffee, but you may not get to pass Go or collect $200.

Now that I have stirred up a hornet's nest I suppose I should bow out gracefully. Or just bow out. It has been a challenging week and we continue to seek God's help in so many families that are struggling with life altering issues. These people are not focused on secondary matters. They are not tuned in to trivia or punditry from any side. Their days are filled with an anxiousness born of seeing loved ones suffer, or dealing with loss, or trying to make sense out of their current situation. That's why we pray for ourselves and for others. We are in this together. That ground is level at the foot of The Cross and we are equal in God's eyes, for He is no respecter of person or status. So, I end the week by once again calling our attention to the fact that it's okay to confess our need before our loving and gracious heavenly Father. He has invited us to do so. Let's not miss out on His provision by failing to call upon Him. Have a great weekend and I'll see you next week, Lord willing. Amen.       .....More later.

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