Monday, August 23, 2010

Enough already with: UNEXPECTED!

Special Request: My brother, Donald, 61, suffered a massive heart attack yesterday afternoon. He is in extremely critical condition at a hospital over on the east side of our local area. His prognosis is not good. My mom is very broken up about this, and at 86, is somewhat frail herself. She and dad are on their way from Louisiana this morning to be with Donald. We ask for prayers for God's will for Donald and a special prayer for Mom and Donald's immediate family as we all work our way through this challenging situation. God knows best and we trust Him. Thanks.


I didn't get to bed this morning until nearly 2 a.m. from the hospital but I had worked on this blog some on Friday and over the weekend. I'm not 100% sure of what it has to offer, therefore, it may be rough in spots but good morning and welcome to today's version of getting our work week started on this Monday, August 23, 2010. I was thinking about how that the word unexpected has become one of, if not the most used, words in the current administration. Each week a new set of employment figures were unexpected to show such an increase. The budget gap widening was an unexpected development. The harsh response to the first lady's boondoggle trip to Spain was unexpected. The drastic drop in the polls for the President and his handling of the economy was unexpected. And, I could go on and on. If it is true, and I am not able to make a judgment, that we are living at a time when pound for pound, IQ for IQ, we have the most intelligent people ever to populate the executive branch, then one would be forced to wonder out loud, why so many stories with the lead line saying, 'unexpected'? Again, I can't weigh each person's credentials but you can look at the results of their actions. I have always conceded that they inherited a mess. Have they made it better or worse? I believe worse is the only answer a rational person could respond with, and even worse than that is the fact that much of the worseoffness wasn't expected. When I messed something up I would tell my grandfather that it was not what I intended to happen. He had a very clear and pertinent response: "What then, did you intend?" I would be even more concerned if the administration's answer is how they expected to see good but the unexpected bad was a surprise. This is a very dangerous time to be fooling around with surprises on a daily basis! Perhaps we have ushered in a new age of unexpectations.

Okay. So I used a couple of words that are not in the dictionary. (worseoffness and unexpectations) Big deal. I, at least, did it intentionally and I expected you to catch it, and I would be surprised if I found out that a larger number than expected didn't recognize them for what they are, made up words. See how these swirling winds of expectations can get us all in trouble? I fully appreciate how much easier it is to sit where I sit and criticize as opposed to being out there on the field making decisions that impact these critical issues. I also am very much willing to give President Obama credit for accomplishing major changes since taking office. These changes, however, have added to the growth of government at the expense of the private sector, (And, I hope everyone knows that it is the PRIVATE SECTOR that pays for government, not the other way round!), and when you squeeze those who actually pay the taxes you could at the same time squelch growth and development which is one of the major factors driving all the surprises that are unexpected each week. Don't you love it when I write in circles? It's almost like skywriting without the plane. Within all the word play, I think most of you are getting my view from here regarding all these issues. I try not to be a one dimensional character all the time, but when it comes to the historical facts as I see them regarding how we became the great nation God has allowed us to become, I will choose every time the individual and his or her potential to do great things, over the bumbling of a bloated government bureaucracy.

I wanted so much for another "b" word at the end of that last sentence but "boondoggling' just didn't seem to convey what I was trying to communicate. I hope you haven't tried to take all of this in without first sipping on your Community, because unlike last Friday where I struck a lighter note, I know this has been rather tough talk for a wake up call on a Monday. If one of those true blue liberals were to read my blog, I mean one of those who downed the Kool Aid full strength, and smoked that pipe filled with hopium and change, they likely would be incensed. They would do their best to rip me to shreds. How? Mainly by calling me names like racist, Klan member, or a hater of all things progressive. I can categorically tell you that I do not see myself as any of these, period. And, I would proffer the fact that I might even be able to show proof that I am not any of these. However, in the end, it is my opinion as I see it, and yes, I am concerned. Concerned enough to pray for those who are in authority including President Obama, Vice President Biden, Speaker Pelosi, and Majority Leader Reid. I pray for them that they would follow God's direction in their deliberations and they would seek His wisdom in every decision they make. Big prayer? Yes! But we serve a Big God and He can do any and all things! Amen. ......More later.

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