Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Come on, give it a try, it will be medicine to your bones!

Have you have wondered about why things work the way they do? Yes, I am aware that thinking about things like this can stir you up at times, maybe even peeve you a little, but most of us can't help but wonder because we have to deal with it nearly every day. It's Tuesday, August 10, 2010 and I am in a mood of contemplation at the moment. Some of what we wonder about are the conundrums that confound us each day. Why does the sun lighten a person's hair but darken their skin? Why are women not able to put on mascara with their mouths closed? Why does the word abbreviated have to be so long? Why do they sterilize needles used for executions? Why have they never considered making the entire airplane out of the materials used to construct the indestructible 'black box'? How can they be absolutely sure their dog food has a new and improved flavor? Why do we give our money to someone to invest who is called a broker? Why is it you buy lemon juice and it has artificial flavoring but you can purchase a dish washing liquid made with real lemons? Here's a good one: Why is it we never see a headline saying a psychic has won the lottery?

Yes, folks, we do live in a world filled with great unanswered questions. Why is it that we tell people "we slept like a baby" when we all know that babies often wake up every two hours throughout the night? Why do we press even harder on the remote control knowing the batteries are dead? Is it true that married people do actually live longer or does it just seem that way? Why would people pay to go to a high lookout point but then use binoculars to see below? I believe both Goofy and Pluto are dogs, so why is it that Pluto has never learned to stand up and walk on two legs like Goofy? Wonder what illiterate folks do when they are eating alphabet soup? If Wylie Coyote could afford to buy all that stuff from Acme, why didn't he just buy himself a Road Runner dinner? Why do they make sure the pig is dead before they 'cure' it? Why is it that people are said to be 'in' a movie but 'on' TV? Why is it that we have 50 choices when naming a new Miss America but typically only 2 when we are choosing a President? Do employees at the Lipton Tea company ever get a coffee break? And, finally, one last one and it comes with an answer. Can you imagine why anyone would pay $2 or more for a bottle of Evian water? Evian spelled backwards is naive!

Okay. These questions are for the most part not original with me. I have some of my own but I decided to go with the ones that are supposed to bring a smile. Yeah I know, most of them didn't do much for me either but it beats worrying about all the other stuff that tends to drag us down, don't you agree? We are living in a time when just reading the headlines each day is enough to make you want to pull the covers over your head and stay in bed. The other day I was feeling like the bad news brigade that goes 24x7 was causing me to feel a little down, so I called up the late Justin Wilson, the Cajun humorist and cooking guy, on YouTube, and watched him prepare some sausage and chicken gumbo. It was running in a small box on my computer as I continued to work but his funny anecdotes and stories, along with his very serious devotion to Cajun cooking was a very good 30 minute respite from all the wars and rumors of war that saturate the airwaves and internet connections today. Laughter is good medicine. How can we be sure? The One who made us said so. He did? Yes He did. He inspired this from Proverbs 17:22, "A merry (or cheerful) heart does good like medicine." This, of course, means wholesome things consistent with truth but it does tell us that we all need to take a time out and work on those smiling and laughing muscles because the frowns tend to be winning these days. As it relates to some of these questions that might not be your cup of tea, I go on record as not only denying the allegation but I also deny the alligator as well! Until next time, may God help us all to find a good reason to laugh out loud! Amen. ........More later.

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