Friday, January 9, 2015

It's Brady Day, or at least that's what we call it around these parts!

As most of you know, we have a family filled to the brim with diversity and character(s). Today I pause to recognize the 9th birthday of our Brady Darrell. He belongs to our youngest son Rodney and his wife Mitzi. He actually belongs in a league of his own but he does share the family with his sisters Kyleigh and Lexie. Brady is into just about every kind of activity one could imagine. Sports and athletics, hunting, bike riding, swimming, playing games, and the list could go on and on and on. He's a good student and he is blessed to live in an environment that nourishes his talents and abilities. We thank God for our Brady and wish him a most wonderful 9th birthday! Love, MiMi and Poppy

I am aware that my blogs are in large part personal. They may touch on this, that, or the other, but in the end, they reflect the View from Here, my view, my way of seeing, experiencing, and interpreting the stuff that makes up the fabric of the life that God has given to me. Most of the stuff also reflects the priorities that are at work as I go about my day by day living. Some call me a political junkie. I like to think of myself as being someone who prefers to make informed judgments, but, even that is debatable, depending on one's point of view. It is Friday, January 9, 2015, and we continue to keep on keeping on. I think most everyone made it through the Arctic Blast. I know our local weather people will need to get themselves recovered from all their intensive hand wringing for ratings they have been doing the past week or so. And, it has been cold. Very cold. And, yes, there were some areas that had ice. I'm not sure the chaotic rhetoric matched the actual experienced event but we've learned this is how weather is done in our area. They do like to freeze, (no pun intended), the audience with breathtaking teased promised updates. That is, if you stay tuned.

Thanks to everyone who has been concerned about the little bout I have been waging with the sniffles. I am much better, thank you. Finally. I have heard that it has showed up in my writing. Really? I will try to remember that as a reasonable excuse in the future when things go a little flat. I really appreciate all the kind words and the recommendations that I should do this, that, or the other about the problem. I know folks are genuinely concerned and that is humbling. At the same time, each of us, finds our way of persevering, as best we know how. Or, something to that effect.

The New Year is now closing out the first work week as we prepare for Saturday and Lord's Day Sunday. It's been interesting, the transition and adjustments after being gone for over two weeks, but, I think we can put this one down in the book and get ready for the next one. Meanwhile, I do hope you will start off this year with a commitment to be as involved as you can with other like minded believers. That is God's design for His own and He established the local called out assembly (the Church) as the means for us to cooperate with each other in carrying out the calling God has given to us, and for helping each other through this challenging adventure called life. Some people say I am just a Church person. Well, may I just say this about that: I think it's because that's the way God wanted it to be. I know there are always exceptions but I also know that best is best and that's what I desire for us all. Have a great one, and Lord willing, I'll check back in come next Monday. Amen.    .....More later.

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