Friday, October 3, 2014

Happy Birthday to our Chris!

Hello and welcome to today's cold off the electronic page, so to speak, (hot off the presses no longer applies), here on this Friday, October 3, 2014. I am happy to recognize our eldest son's birthday which is coming up this Sunday. He will turn the calendar to find himself embarking on the 49th year of his sojourn here on the planet. We thank God for our Chris, his wife, three daughters, and his granddaughter, our great grand. He has been given much in the way of ability and know how, and consequently, he has given much in return. He is a Bible teacher for many years now and a worker for the Lord. He is a faithful husband, dad, and grandfather. He is also a diligent worker in the job that he holds. He does his best to fulfill the role of elder son by keeping up with and providing assistance to his parents. That would be us. And, best of all, since he is a doting Paw Paw, that gives us the opportunity to be a doting Great Grand MiMi and a doting Great Grand Poppy! Happy Birthday son and may God continue to guide you on your way. Love, mom and dad.

If this little so called cold front produces some really cooler mornings, our Chris will enjoy it as much as I do. In fact, he wears the short sleeve without a jacket a whole lot longer than I do these days but I can remember when I could have easily kept up with him on that one. That's part of the change brought on by a system that I'm currently dealing with. It's not a cold front, it's a type of disturbance more appropriately called an old-front, and I'm dealing with the first waves that foretell there's more to come. Yes. Thank you. I am very much well aware of the knee jerk response that typically gets inserted when this discussion comes up: Whatever the problems are, it beats the alternative. I get that, but I would also add that for those of us who embrace the truth regarding our eternal destination, well, those knee jerk comments certainly do not tell the whole story. And, let me be clear, I am so grateful that I am doing as well as I am doing as I work my way through the winds found in this phase of my life. I've got more to be thankful for than to complain about but complaining seems always to be just a tad more interesting. Meanwhile, I will keep a jacket handy, just in case.

Think about it. We have a child that is now on a path where his next stop will have a marker with a 50 on it. That is a little hard to digest and it does make one wonder where the time has gone, and it also reminds us how easily it can get away from us. On the other hand, we have today, that's the one we've been given. We also are not without resources because God has given each one of us our abilities. Many would say they have been short changed but according to my reading of God's Word, we are only accountable for that which we have, not for what the other person has. Therefore, I need, you need, we all need, to use everything that God has provided to us to live, work, and operate our lives in a way that honors Him and serves others. That my friend is our calling. I can tell you this. Trying to work on this each day does keep one busy. That means I had better get on with it. We've had a pretty decent week and we are thankful for it. Enjoy your Saturday and Lord's Day Sunday, and, I will do my best, with God's help, to show up come next Monday morning. May He bless us all is my prayer. Amen.  ....More later.

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