Friday, October 24, 2014

"Dearest Redneck Son, I'm writing this slow because I know you can't read fast. We don't live where we did when you left home. Your dad read in the newspaper that most accidents happen within 20 miles from your home, so we moved. I won't be able to send you the address because the last Arkansas family that lived here took the house numbers when they moved so that they wouldn't have to change their address. Love, mom" (copied)

A few folks still use the phrase, "I feel your pain." Former President Bill Clinton is given credit for making it popular during an exchange back in 1992. It's Friday, October 24, 2014, and I'm still at it, you know, trying to make sense out of this, that, and the other. The comic genius George Burns who lived to be 100 said that he was so old that when he was a kid the Dead Sea was only sick. I'm 68 years young but that converted produces a reading of 20 Celsius. I know. It not only doesn't make any sense, I'm still left pretty much feeling my own pain. The famous Dale Carnegie once quipped, "Remember, today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday." No wonder I have a headache. I hear you. Stop thinking about it. Especially since all of it together doesn't amount to much more than a hill of beans. I'm just joshing anyway. (Some folks look at me funny when I use that word joshing. But here's the dictionary definition: tease (someone) in a playful way. engage in joking or playful talk with others.) As you can tell, I didn't really have too much to bring to the table today so I thought I would do the this, that, or the other scenario for us to consider. I suppose most people just aren't satisfied with the way things are. The late Ann Landers who wrote the newspaper advice column for so many years had this to say: "The poor wish to be rich, the rich wish to be happy, the single wish to be married, and the married wish to be dead."

No. I'm not trying to imitate Forest Gump with his box of chocolates unexpected variety example. And, no, I've still not watched the movie. I've seen plenty of clips from it but I have never watched it. I remember reading about how they used technology to show Forest with Presidents Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon. Wait a minute. I'm not sure the box of chocolates quote originated with that movie. I've been opening up my writings for at least 50 or more years and I never know what flavor might show up. But, it is good for us to be able to visit today. I try to not be boring but on some days, well, it's not as easy as it looks, as in, "Look ma, no hands!" Most people believe that saying originated in a commercial back in the 1960's where the kid is riding his new bicycle without hands on the handlebars. I wasn't able to confirm the actual commercial but it has been quoted in movies and television shows. Maybe you know more about it than I do. If not, it really doesn't matter, therefore, I wouldn't lose any sleep over it if I were you. But I'm not you so I will continue my quest to determine how this little quote became a well known saying. But not today. I'm still working on the headache and trying to find that answer has made it worse.

I don't know why but for the last several weeks Google thinks I am originated on the internet from Little Rock, Arkansas. It keeps throwing up news items they think I should be interested in. I've been fooled a time or two on the temperature they display but I really don't need to find cheap places to eat in Little Rock, and I'm certainly not planning on showing up for the protest against the building of a planned gas station. I suppose it's okay with me that this year's Big Jingle Jubilee Holiday Parade will be on December 6, but, I most likely will have other fish to fry on that day. I am aware that I can change the location but to tell you the truth, I'm not all that unhappy with the fact they have me tagged at the wrong location. Maybe they think that anyone who spends as much time joshing as I do must be from Little Rock. I do believe I have done enough for one week and it's time for me to take two aspirin and check back with you next Monday. Lord willing of course. I do hope you have a great Saturday and Lord's Day Sunday. May God bless us all is my prayer. Amen.  ....More later

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