Thursday, September 11, 2014

Wiki explanation for Analysis Paralysis: "Analysis paralysis or paralysis of analysis is an anti-pattern, the state of over-analyzing (or over-thinking) a situation so that a decision or action is never taken, in effect paralyzing the outcome."

Okay. Here's the deal. Today is Friday, September 12, 2014. Last week we had a four day workweek because of the holiday and I felt like I had been run over by a freight train. This week I've been plenty busy but it doesn't seem as tiring as last week. Go figure. Maybe trying to keep up with our little Madi girl this past weekend gave me a running start. Maybe not. Maybe I don't have a clue. Speaking of that, I know people who really do very little in the way of analysis. I'm not saying that in any critical way whatsoever. They pretty much are folks who enjoy life and get things done and really don't pay that much attention. Period. They are good God fearing America loving citizens who don't burn their gray cells the way I do. I say that to say this. Because I'm into the armchair quarterback on just about every detail of life, well, that's certainly not a recipe for being better than the person that just gets up everyday and goes out and makes the best of it. I actually think being oblivious can be pretty enticing. It's not me. It will not be me later, at least, I don't see it happening that way. But, my point is that we all are wired differently. It's easy to look down on others because they just don't happen to be obsessive about the things you might obsess over. Guess what? It's okay. And, I will stick with that story until I have time to break it all down, look at it, try to understand exactly what's going on, and then I will get back to you. Stay tuned.

I certainly know the importance of taking action based on gut or core beliefs. That, in my opinion, is always the balance as we attempt to make sense of all that makes up the world around us. However, I am well aware of that analysis paralysis syndrome. That's where folks study things and never get past the studying. But, that's enough about that because it really doesn't seem to be advancing the ball too much in my visit today. Some days are like that. Since I am not in a contest I suppose there are no winners. And, since most are inclined to see only the bottom line, at least as they see it, well, it turns out to be what it is, nothing more and nothing less. If I had even a notion of understanding what I have been talking about I would call it a day and move on. But, I feel compelled to further elaborate because that's more or less what I do, elaborate. I am aware that Shakespeare said, "Brevity is the soul of wit." He meant that one should use the fewest amount of words and choose those words that intelligently present that which is being communicated. Now you see my problem. I can't even talk about brevity with any brevity at all. Some days. I'm telling you.

The other day a fellow here in the office asked me to watch a video of the daughter of a friend of his. When he saw the video on Facebook he was distressed because she seemed upset. She is a very bright young lady who has just finished college. What he interpreted as being upset was not what I saw. She was pondering out loud the calling that God has placed on her life, to do something to influence others and to advance the Kingdom of God. She was tearful because she knew that everyday presented an opportunity to work towards that end, and a day not doing so, even when one knows about it, thinks about it, and perhaps is even convicted about it is not getting the job done because only getting up and getting out there with that higher purpose in mind is the only way it can be pursued. He asked me what I thought and I told him. Her tearful heart before the Lord is precious because she realizes that He has blessed her with the life she has, the abilities, and all her experiences, and she does not want to miss out on His best which reflects His plan for her. He seemed satisfied that she was okay but perhaps a little puzzled by her focus on that sort of a thing. Would to God that we all would be as concerned. I know I can get a few amens on that one. Right? Until next time, may God richly bless each one. Amen.   ....More later.

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