Monday, September 3, 2012

Don't send any flowers just yet.

***Today marks the 64th anniversary of the birth of my younger brother Donald. He went on to his reward in June of last year. I pause to remember him, his service to our country, and for those, like my mom, who continue to mourn his passing each day. I also pray daily for his children as they continue their sojourn here. ***
Happy Labor Day. Life and death. They are a constant companion. This is what I'm thinking about on this Monday morning, September 3, 2012. Bill Cosby has had to fight off more than once the obviously erroneous reports, so far, of his demise over the past several years. This most recent one came about when someone put up a RIP Bill Cosby Facebook Tribute. Having to prove you are still alive sounds funny but it really isn't, when you think about it. The famous quote which is often misquoted from Mark Twain about how the report of his death was an exaggeration is an interesting study in how these things happen. This happened some 115 years ago and it all started with a published article in the New York Herald that reported Twain, then 51, to be “grievously ill and possibly dying. Worse still, we are told that his brilliant intellect is shattered and that he is sorely in need of money.” Note the ironic added commentary. Nothing could have been more wrong. Twain was quite well, both in his health and his financial affairs, and just happened to be in London to cover Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee. I have included a copy of a note from Twain that originated the famous quote. It states that he had a cousin who had been very ill and that was the source of the false report. In any event, Mr. Cosby wanted everyone to know that he is not dead, yet.

I fell for one the other day. I saw a link on a friend's Facebook that had a link to a story about a big Disney real estate deal in our area. It looked very legitimate but it turned out to be a joke but I had already sent out the information and after having checked it out, after the fact, I had to send out a retraction. Fortunately, I had only sent it to a small group. Someone asked me the other evening at our local fellowship if I get a lot of political stuff sent to me. I told him that I did, constantly. He asked if I had seen several that he named. I told him that I typically delete them as fast as I get them and if I see one that I might take the time to read, that I will check it out thoroughly before quoting from it, or emailing it to someone else. I could tell he didn't care for my response since most of what he receives supports his theories about our current President. That little deal about the real estate hoax reminded me once again about how easy it is to be hoodwinked. And, I do not want to be part of a chain that sends out falsehoods. I actually think the Bible has something to say about that. Food for thought for us all to consider, including yours truly.

That no doubt sounds a little heavy for a day set aside to honor workers by giving them the day off. But that little pea sized brain of mine deals up a steady flow of what you see is what you get, better known in the computing world as WYSIWYG. We will, however, enjoy the day as best we can and I certainly hope you will do the same. Speaking of labor, it is good to remember those who are standing in the gap for us all, as they serve in harm's way. I know there is something called war fatigue here in our country but may we all be reminded that our troops can't have the luxury of such thinking, they have to be at their best every single day. The photo of the little kid kissing the screen of her daddy who was deployed was posted on Facebook and thousands have indicated their support by liking it. This one really does communicate the sacrifice they make and I pray for them all, often, and I encourage you to do the same. Amen.           .....More later.

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