Monday, April 27, 2015

"Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't." ~ Mark Twain

Rosie the Riveter.
Here we go again. Another work week is now underway and this one begins with this day, Monday, April 27, 2015. I thought I would hit a few very miscellaneous items that caught my attention in passing. One was the death of the lady who posed for the famous Normal Rockwell cover, "Rosie the Riveter." Nearly all of Mr. Rockwell's famous paintings reflected real people who posed for his art work. Mary Doyle Keefe became the symbol of the American woman as the independent working woman. She passed away at age 92.

We also celebrated world book day which coincides with the recognition of Shakespeare and all his contributions to language. The image was created by a scholar and while I cannot vouch for all his attributions, it does show the power of words and the ability of an individual to contribute to our heritage.

Lastly, there's a particular cable news organization that is stacked with some of the most left wing liberal commentators on the planet. Every day they spew out their alternative world opinions. About five of their regular on screen personalities have been discovered to owe back taxes to the federal government. Most of them have had to endure public clips where they are shown to be berating their fellow Americans to pay their fair share. Poetic justice in the extreme!

I arrived here this morning in the middle of a genuine severe thunder storm. The gate wouldn't open so I sat there with my little car quivering in the wind and the torrential rain. Every ten minutes or so I would check the gate opener again. After about 30 minutes it finally opened. Maybe the power had been off. That was pretty scary but also beautiful at the same time. The flashes of lightning would light up everything briefly and I thought how that even the car wash couldn't produce that much water velocity. I had the radio on. We are under a severe storm watch and a tornado watch as well. But I made it, thank God, and here I am to do my best to get myself together for another day. We never know what a day will bring but we can be thankful for it because it is the day the Lord has given to us. Amen.  ....More later.

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