Wednesday, March 18, 2015

"When I was 21 years old, I had a job playing Santa Claus in a shopping centre in Sacramento. I was rail thin, so it's not like I was a traditional Santa Claus even then. I had a square stomach; that was the shape of the sofa cushion that I had stuffed into my pants." ~ Tom Hanks

New dress code! (taken 3/17/15 @ 5 a.m.)
Man! I know. For those who get my blog via email, I am aware that I misspelled the word cylinders in the title of the first one I sent out. Maybe I am losing it. But, as someone a long time ago pointed out, it only goes to show you that I too am both human and fallible. To tell you the truth, I do hate it when I make it so obvious. It is Wednesday, March 18, 2015, and I do bid you a hearty hello. It's become a hit and miss situation as I attempt to get myself back into the groove, so to speak. I really celebrated St. Patrick's Day. I wore red. I wasn't attempting to be difficult, I was wearing my new uniform. Red. I did get several questions about why I had failed to honor the green but that's not such a hurdle to deal with. You see, I recently ordered me up 5 red shirts and a dozen red caps. The wife said people will think I'm wearing the same clothes everyday. We have had a few around here that did that very thing and after a while it made you wonder if those clothes would stand up in the corner by themselves. (Think: Pig Pen from the Peanuts Comic Strip.) In fact, I'm pretty sure they were not in class the day they covered why using deodorant is a good idea. Why all the red? You are real funny, aren't you? In fact, so funny, I only have this to say about that: Ho Ho Ho!

Best I can tell, no one fixed the world's problems while I have been preoccupied with my better half. Seems like the headlines could borrow from the old Hee Haw Show. You know the mournful tune the dudes laid around singing: "Gloom, despair, and agony on me... Deep, dark depression, excessive misery... If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all... Gloom, despair, and agony on me." A whole lot of the tension tends to be centered in the Middle East, and in Israel in particular.  I'm pretty sure that folks who have read or studied the Bible are not that surprised about this being how things are developing. Our Savior shared some insights into this final chapter of world history before He went to the cross, was put in the tomb, and resurrected. These are word pictures He shared from what it called the Olivet discourse, as found in Matthew Chapter 24. You can read the entire chapter and get a better feel for God's dealing with His chosen people in the end times, but, here's what He said as found in verse 21: "For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, no, and never will be." People have been saying this for a long time. That's right. Truth is, one day it will be just as He has revealed it to us. Amen.

Taking care of the wife the last few days reminded me of those vows that she and I shared so many years ago. I may not have paid that much attention to them on that cold night in December of 1964 but those words indicated how that I made a covenant with her and it involved a lifelong commitment. "....from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I pledge thee my faith and myself to you." One of the things you learn if God grants you the years and the time together is what those words actually mean in our day by day living. You think about things like that as you sit beside her as she is struggling with sickness and pain. The other thing I am reminded of is the treasure that God has given to me in having her as my wife. I read a lot of the Facebook tributes folks make to each other on special occasions. It has become popular to say that your mate is your best friend. I'll have none of that. My wife is my wife. It is an elevated category of distinction in and of itself far beyond best friend status. After all, when the Apostle Paul wanted to show the husband's responsibility in the marriage, he said we were to love our wives the way that Jesus loved the Church and gave Himself up for the Church. (Ephesians 5:25) Doing that will keep me busy until the cows come home, and even after. Take care and may God bless each one. Amen.   ....More later.

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