Tuesday, March 24, 2015

"Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason why so few engage in it." ~ Henry Ford

I know I have been missing in action but I'm glad to say I am back, here on this Tuesday, March 24, 2015. I know some are wondering how the wife is doing. Here's how it all happened. After getting everything up and going here at the office on Friday morning, I left around 7 a.m. to take the wife for a much needed consultation with her surgeon. It had been two weeks and she was still not able to keep anything on her stomach. We saw the doctor a little after 9 a.m. and he decided she needed to be admitted to the hospital to try and find out what the problem was. No beds. Zero. All filled up. Therefore, we went to the ER and waited about 6 hours for an ER bed and finally into a room at 7 p.m. Early Saturday morning they did an endoscopic procedure where the attending physician was able to open up the passage way some that had been tightened by the original surgery. Then to recovery, then back to the room. She did great. At first. Then on Saturday evening she became very ill again. We thought we knew the problem. As long as they gave her the anti nausea medication through the IV, she could tolerate it. But they gave it to her by mouth and we were back in the ditch again. This meant we had to stay an extra day. Bottom line we got home mid Monday morning. I slept on the couch in her room each night and I do believe she is now on her way to being able to benefit from the surgery. One thing we are reminded of, she is a very popular lady. She has been on the receiving end of much attention since her surgery. Nearly everyday there are new cards to open. So many are praying. Many visits. Floral arrangements. She gets a lot of calls. Calls and texts. She is beloved. I'm not sure what it is about her but she's always been able to get close to folks. Thanks for your prayers. We are cautiously optimistic as we restart the recovery process.

About the time I think about thinking about a different phase of my life, you know, the R word, as in stay-at-home retired, well, I begin to begin to get some uncomfortable impulses. I just don't know how I feel about making that decision. I did read last week about a man over in Louisiana who passed away at age 97. He was an active pastor and in having a pulpit ministry up to the age of 95. I suppose he was one of those who believed in the life long calling. My thoughts about it all have nothing to do with my concern over what I would do with myself. I think I could find more than enough to occupy my schedule each day. I heard a fellow being interviewed that talked about how that after he retired he still had a place to go for the day to help out a couple of times each week. On those days he got up and left just like he was going to work. According to him, his wife was greatly benefited by him not being under foot on those days. There's a lot to think about but for now I will just keep on doing what I'm doing while occasionally pausing to look back, look side to side, and maybe even trying to think about what's up ahead.

I admire folks who are committed to their work. The other day in one of the most intensely foggy mornings I can remember, I was out and about and came upon a sign indicating that a survey crew was working. Surely not. I could barely see the tail lights of the vehicle in front of me. Yet, there they were. They were right there on the side of the road in the process of putting together their equipment and getting ready to get on with their project. I couldn't help but wonder what they would be able to see through that transit instrument they use. But they were there. They were in their place, so to speak. I think a better choice would have been to wait until the fog burned off but I did admire their attitude. I am not picking on the younger generations (yep, sad to say, the plural is required when you get my age), but, based on my daily observations, many of them appear not to have a serious concern about being on time, or being where they are supposed to be, or in general, being committed to anything at all. I know there's a need for balance and all of that, but, how about some old fashioned gumption to get the job done? We need that in every area of life!

Sorry about being a little discombobulated. It has been quite the roller coaster ride the past few days. God is good all the time. All the time God is good. Amen. ....More later.

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