Wednesday, March 11, 2015

"It's when ordinary people rise above the expectations and seize the opportunity that milestones truly are reached." Mike Huckabee

Who would have ever thought that back in 2007 I would still be at it. Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus, and it turns out that I am he, as well as, yes mam, today represents the 2000th episode of this long running series. Thanks for showing up on this notable day, on this March 11, 2015. This summer will make it 8 years of my Monday through Friday hunting and pecking on the old keyboard. I've obviously been dedicated to doing it or it would have gone, in fairly short order, the way of the buffalo. Within the blogosphere world that's the typical outcome of most blogging start ups. I am well aware of the arguments about quantity versus quality, but, there's also the purpose to be considered. I started out with the idea of it being The View From My Pew but changed it before beginning to publish to The View From Here. Believe it or not, there are quite a number of blogs that carry both of those titles. So much for originality on my part. Here's what I said about this in my very first published blog from May 7, 2007: "However, I call this blog The View From Here because when it's all said and done, it's the way I see it. You most likely see it differently but that's what blogging is all about. We can speak from our viewpoint, our way of interpreting all the things we have to deal with, and in general, the viewfinder through which we see the world, and especially our world.  One final thought in this opening monologue: I know that without God as the foundation of my life through my identity with His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, there would be little hope in all the ups and downs encountered in this journey called life."

That was 1,999 blogs before today's edition but that sentiment is exactly what I think I have been up to throughout our time together. My greatest fear is that over time I could have become so predictable that my observations not only could have become rote and repetitive but I could be close to producing the 'B' word, as in boring. That's the primary reason I would even entertain the thought of closing out our time together each day. Meanwhile, I will continue throwing up keystrokes until I have time to ferret out a decision. In some ways it has become a part of me but as I stated that's not the driving consideration. I obviously enjoy doing it. I never look at it as a chore even though at times I have done my fair share of staring down the blank electronic page. You wondered what accounted for those days where you went away scratching your head. Well, now you know.

I've met some really neat people along the way via their comments. I do have a loyal reader community and I appreciate each and every one for your patronage and your encouragement. I've never added any advertising or connecting websites, yet, my little blog, spinning out there somewhere on the worldwide web has had nearly 140,000 web views since we started. I sure hope some of what I have shared about the Lord may have ended up in fertile ground because we know that's how He is able to bring forth a harvest. Thanks again for showing up each day and join me in thanking God that we have had this time together. We will see where it all goes from here but know in advance, regardless, I commend us all to God and His love, mercy, and grace. Until next time, may He bless us all. Amen. ...More later.

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