Monday, March 31, 2014

"Transformation is a process, and as life happens there are tons of ups and downs. It's a journey of discovery - there are moments on mountaintops and moments in deep valleys of despair." Rick Warren, Pastor and Author

Well hello there. Good to see you again. I was just thinking about how that today feels a whole lot like Monday and it turns out to be just that here on this last day, the 31st of March, 2014. The country blue grass song that says life is like a mountain railroad pretty much hit it squarely on the head. Ups and downs, curves and valleys, but in that song the writer also says that we as believers can hang on because of the Engineer who is in control of our train. I don't know about you but I need to be often reminded of this truth. If we are not careful our trainload of 'worries and whys' can at times slow us down and stall our progress. In essence, folks don't have to tune into a TV show dubbed reality to get a full dose of it in their own lives each and every day. There is good news here. That Engineer from the train song is able. We are weak, He isn't. We can't know everything, He does. And, probably the greatest truth of all is that He has promised to never leave us nor to ever forsake us. (Deuteronomy 31:6, Romans 8:31-37, and Hebrews 13:5) I think I hear the Conductor calling and it's time to get on board that Glory Train. Amen.

How about a funny little story to try and add some humor to the beginning of our Monday? I know the old joke where you say, "Based on your prior contributions you certainly have proven that you can add about as little humor as anyone." Sorry to let you down but I've heard that one before. But, I did think this one was good for maybe half a chuckle. ~ A cop pulls over a couple for speeding. He walks up to the driver and says "I clocked you going 80 miles per hour sir." "Impossible officer!" says the driver, "I had my cruise control on 60." The wife then chimed in, "Don't be silly dear, this car doesn't have cruise control." As the officer began writing the ticket the husband growls to his wife, "Can't you just keep your mouth shut?" The wife smiled and said, "You should have known better when the radar detector went off." The cop responded, "A radar detector eh, that's illegal." And he began writing a second ticket. The man was ready to explode, "You idiot woman, didn't I tell you to stay quiet?" At this, the officer leaned into the car and asked the woman, "Ma'am, does he always talk to you this way?" She smiled and answered, "Oh heavens no, it's only when he has been drinking."

I know that you know that words are a big part of my world. I'm into catch phrases, idioms, figures of speech, and clever sayings. I am impressed by those that carry a message in them, as well as those that are just a little on the silly side. ~ A person with a good attitude can even enjoy the scenery during a detour. ~ Ever notice that people who show up late seem to be so much jollier than those waiting for them? ~ Mastering your diet is really quite simple: It's a matter of mind over platter. ~ A gossip is someone with a great sense of rumor. ~ Question: If you shoot a mime, is it really necessary to use a silencer? ~ One advantage to getting older: Your gray cells are down to a manageable size. ~ On that one, I will take my leave for today. But, not to worry, Lord willing I'll try to be right here on this station come tomorrow morning. Lord willing. May God bless each one. Amen.   ....More later.

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