Tuesday, March 18, 2014

"To keep your marriage brimming With love in the marriage cup Whenever you’re wrong, admit it; Whenever you’re right, shut up." ~ Ogen Nash, Author

She can still surprise me. I'm talking about the lady I've been hanging out with for the past 50 plus years. It's Tuesday, March 18, 2014 and I am glad you showed up again for our little sit down visit. The other day when I did that little ditty about the chicken crossing the road, well, I never expected to hear her response to that famous question. She sent me an email with this jewel: The chicken was a hen so she knew what was on the other side and that's why she crossed the road. I don't even know where to start with that one. I sent her a message and told her to check the photo and she would find that it is a rooster, not a hen. I'm beginning to wonder what they are talking about in those Bible studies they do. You know the ones. They huddle behind closed doors, watch a video, then talk it all out. Next thing you know they are talking about a hen crossing the road because she knows what's on the other side. Who ever heard tell?

That particular blog has generated quite a bit of conversation. My mom gave me her input on the subject. She said she didn't understand why so much attention was focused on the chicken. Her observation was how that chickens are not the only ones that cross the road. What about ducks? You see people all the time waiting for the ducks to cross. You know. The mama duck with all her little duckings following after her. Last Friday evening we met at an eating place with some Church friends. One of the questions of the evening was about the chicken crossing the road. It must have influenced by menu selection because I ordered the chicken fried steak sandwich. I may live to regret ever bringing up that subject. I heard another angle that said the chicken crossed the road because his analyst said he needed to take more chances, and if he ever wanted to get somewhere he had to get out of his comfort zone.

Here's a good one for our self absorbed society. According to a new study just released, folks taking so many photos of themselves (called selfies) for posting on social media sites have brought about an increase in plastic surgeries. It works like this. A person, (men, women, boys and girls), take a selfie and after it is posted they are unhappy with how they look, or perhaps unhappy with some of the comments made about how they look, and that prompts them to try and improve their appearance. To get the full impact, you can insert the sound of the plastic surgeon's cash register ringing. In my situation, I suppose I have to dance with the face that brought me and live with the comparisons I hear to Santa and Uncle Si. It's Uncle Si season at the moment. I imagine that would greatly increase if I started wearing camouflage. But, then again, people would be calling me a 'wanna be' or a copy cat and that might cause me to withdraw and become a recluse and I would end up being unwilling to even consider ever crossing the road again. Living life in these tough times is not for the fainthearted. Okay. Enough foolishness for one day. You do this: Take care of yourself and remember to remember to thank God for His love and care. Amen.   .....More later.

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