Monday, September 9, 2013

Spring High School Freshman: "This is how I'm going to remember my freshman year, someone died."

Okay. Here we go again. The time has come. On your mark. Get set. Go! It's the work week race once again and I am very glad to welcome you to our little episode of one way dialogue here on this Monday, September 9, 2013. The killing of a seventeen year old high school boy in a nearby high school has everyone distraught and gravely concerned. An altercation occurred, then a knife was put into use and a young man is dead and three others seriously wounded. We had kids from our Church in lock down for hours at that school. In response to this senseless killing I've seen numerous TV reports and newspaper accounts. Here's the bottom line that most people are asking in loud outcry, in interviews and on email, Facebook, twitter and other forms of social media: "What in the world is going on in our country?" One local pastor of a large Church near that school was interviewed and asked that very question. He said he thought it strange that people are so surprised given the decline in respect in our nation for any and all things pertaining to God. It does give us all something to think and pray about even as we know the tears are flowing in the homes of many.

Of course the so called intellectually elite deny any and all connection to God or morality when these types of incidents occur. They blame it on poverty or a lack of education and typically point to a need for more government programs. There will never be a government program that will substitute for our raising up our children in the love and admonition of the Lord. (Ephesians 6:4) Today it is all about secular living and toleration for any and everything imaginable. That type of approach does have an impact and sadly, our schools are often on the front line of seeing the consequences played out. And those consequences are way too often spelled out in the blood of innocent little ones. To me, it's not about politics, gun rights, or social reformation, it's about a return to the God who made us the greatest nation on earth. That's my take and I believe I'll stick to it!

We're talking about our children. Collectively, they are our nation's future. Individually, they are our personal treasures that we seek to impart with the truths that were handed down to us. Some of the kids that witnessed the incident sent out text messages to their moms. They were scared senseless. They wanted their moms to come and get them. Sure, we live in the real world where bad stuff happens, but, these kids will carry these scars the rest of their lives. I don't know exactly what actions we can take in terms of helping to intervene but I do know that we can do our best to reaffirm our desire for God's presence and protection as demonstrated by our devotion to Him and His ways. I can do better. My guess is that you can too. Together we can seek Him while there is still time. Lord God help us is my prayer. Amen.        .....More later.

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