Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Happy 8th Birthday ~ Alexander Benjamin!

Welcome one and all to Wednesday, September 18, 2013, where we are thinking about our Alex on this, the 8th anniversary of his showing up here on the planet. As I mentioned before, Alex made his appearance the week that Hurricane Rita was doing her thing. I know all families have characters. A cast of them. I see those postings on Facebook where grandparents fawn over their grands. You are right. I've posted one or two or maybe a handful of those myself. I'm that way. My eldest son is that way about his granddaughter, our great grand. All I can tell you is that our Alex is a funny little dude. He obviously has some sway with his Poppy because he actually can get him to change the channel to the Ninja Turtle Cartoon, even when NASCAR is on. He could watch it upstairs but we all like it on the big screen. Right? We do thank God for all our grandchildren and we pray for them along with a special prayer for our Alex, that he will grow up and become all that God has planned for him. Happy Birthday Alex! Love, MiMi and Poppy.

You have to love the computer utilities available today. I scanned in the school photo of Alex and found that calendar format out on the web and overlaid the photo onto it. I then called up the caption utility and added the birthday greeting. I started to say they are all free but most of them are loaded up with ads. One word of caution to those who might be thinking about using some of these neat programs. Be careful and make sure the site you access is on the up and up. You can typically put the name of the site into Google and check out peoples' experiences using it. It only takes a few extra minutes to save yourself some grief. Those hackers and virus infiltrators out there do like to use websites that are very appealing and various forms of greeting cards, image utilities, and the like are some of their favorites. It pays to be careful but there are tons of good tools out there for our use. I very often have folks ask me how I do these kinds of things and that's why I shared this little tidbit today.

I hear you. You think Paw Paw Mac would have wondered if I have more important things to be using my time on. I couldn't argue that one but I do hope you have a wonderful rest of the day and may God bless each one is my prayer. Amen.    .....More later.

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