Friday, October 26, 2012

Life by the Book. We define being too busy when we can't find time for God.

Today is Friday and I bid you welcome to October 26, 2012. This morning we have some medical tests for the wife. We've had a full week of getting caught up on our to do list and while we had originally planned to be out of town for the week, it has turned out to be a wonderful respite from my regular routine as well as being very productive. Marilyn has been dealing with some stomach related distress, therefore, we are on a track to get the full range of tests to rule in or out whatever might be the problem. She will be involved in this process over the next several weeks. Again, we are thankful to have access to these advanced testing resources and we are trusting God as we move forward. I am looking forward to next Monday and my early morning trip back into my workplace environment. I hope they still have my desk in its place, and my computer and phone connected. Joking only.

The Santa appearance requests are beginning to roll in. I am so looking forward to the children. I will confess that having done this over the past several years I now know the full impact (wear and tear) of this little endeavor, therefore, the excitement is tempered with this reality. But, when it is all said and done, I will forever consider myself to be blessed to have had so many precious little ones in my life. I will soon be doing a dress rehearsal to check out the equipment, so to speak. It does take me some practicing to work myself up to jolly, if you know what I mean. As I close out my staycation reports, I ask you all to consider these options. Have yourself a wonderful Saturday and enjoy the cooler weather, and do your very best to meet up with others at the designated place where God is worshipped, and His Word is taught on His Day, Lord's Day Sunday. Then, Lord willing, I will be seeing you again from that old familiar home away from home next Monday morning, early, that is, if I wake up on time. May God bless. Amen.          ......More later.

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