Thursday, March 7, 2019

One wife's comment about retirement: "Twice as much husband for half the income." ~ copied

Hello and welcome to Thursday, March 7, 2019. I bid you greetings from a disclosed location called Retirement Place and I am broadcasting live and in person from The Home Office. I knew that being retired would be different. Some of the old adages have proven themselves to have a ring of truth. ~ It's the time in your life when time no longer means money. ~ You work hard to be nicer to your children since you are aware your future long term care may be in their hands. ~ Someone said there's so many of us in Church because we all are cramming for the finals. ~ You find out some of your friends are trying to learn how to use the internet while their grandchildren are using Google to try and find out how to read a book. ~ Seems like every few months you read about another world's oldest person dying. This is beginning to look suspicious. ~ The retired grandfather tried to warn them about the Titanic and the upcoming iceberg, but, alas, all they did was to throw him out of the theater. ~ I suppose the younger generation does have one thing to look forward to, in about 40 years there will be a huge number of little old ladies running around with tattoos. ~ The games retired people play. The wife has been staring through the window ever since it began to snow. I suppose I should think about letting her come back into the house. ~ You are no longer shamed when they offer you a discount on any and all purchases. ~ Younger people should think long and hard before messing with us retired old people. Life in prison is no longer such a serious deterrent. ~ Yep. It does only take one old retired person to change a light bulb, but, it may take a while. ~ I heard the younger folks have a strategy to defeat Trump in his reelection bid. They are going to refuse to fix their grandparents' WIFI. ~ One last thing I've found to be true: Folks I went to school with back in the day, well, they are so old and messed up, they don't even recognize me.

One thing we wake up to each and every day is a messed up country in a messed up world. It appears our politics has become something akin to a tsunami of hypocrisy. From all sides, I hasten to add. You didn't want this type of inquiry when your man was in the Oval Office. That was different. This is now. We have the power. Sadly, some of what they do ends up trickling down to the lowest echelons. That would be where folks like me reside. When the darling of the current winds of a socialist revolution was challenged to account for her lifestyle of excess and free market choices, she mumbled something about having to live in the real world using whatever the world has until it can be changed. However, she was told how many so-called green choices had been readily available to her and her staff when in fact she chose the means that she now denounces. No comment. I used to think the American public is smart enough to reject craziness like we see each and every day. However, I'm not so sure that's the case today. While I've never seen things as crazy as they are today, this is not the first time we've become a political quagmire. The Presidential election of 1876 was actually promoted based on choosing the lesser of the two evils. Sadly, that is how most of my voting has been done throughout my lifetime. With few exceptions. It is always better to be all in and in support of versus a vote to try and make sure the other person does not get elected. I don't know about you, but, I look forward to the day when I can be proud of my vote like I was when I voted for Ronald Reagan. Yep. That's a personal point of view. It comes with the blog. And, no apologies.

My eldest sent me a text the other day saying perhaps I should rename my blog and call it, "The Bentley Chronicles." Very clever. I told him that Mr. Bentley shows up as a literary device. He texted back how the jury is still out on exactly who qualifies as the literary device. We have fun with it. And, I will try and police Mr. Bentley's space in my blog. Going back to the first paragraph, I will be the first to testify that I had no idea how much of my time would be spent as a retiree with a new puppy. It is a 24x7 responsibility. (Sometimes, it seems more that that.) And, I will say this about it. It does make getting the things I need to get done much more difficult. But, we soldier on. There's a group of older fellows who congregate to drink coffee and solve world issues early on Sunday morning at our local fellowship. I join long enough to greet each one and share a laugh or two. I am not always pleased with the things I hear about our country's political problems. I have no problem with folks having strong opinions, but, I typically don't stay because some of the rhetoric leaves a lot to be desired as it relates to our Christian testimony. My point? For me, for you, for us all. We do not have to hate folks in order to support our own viewpoints or to disagree with their ideas. That's why I try to remind us all of the 'all sides' aspect to our political discourse during these trying times. Next thing you know, the preacher is pouring his heart out about us loving our enemies and we all are about to blow the sound meter with our loud Amens. Doesn't that sound just like us? Take care. See you next time. Lord willing. Amen. ....More later.

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