Wednesday, March 13, 2019

"Finally, my Winter fat is gone, only to be replaced by Spring rolls." ~ copied

Good morning and welcome. It is Wednesday, March 13, 2019. There's always somewhat of a dilemma when choosing how early to start mowing the grass. On the one hand, I could be the grumpy old dude who cranks up as soon as there's enough light to barely see. I really don't want to be that fellow. Therefore, I waited until just after 8 a.m. to start. I know it's Spring Break and we do have teenagers scattered around our neighborhood. One lady said that shouldn't worry me because they are not bothered by that noise because of the earbuds through which they listen to their music even while they sleep. At any rate, the wife had her Bible study to do and they were meeting in a dear lady's house who can no longer get out. This meant Mr. Bentley had to hang out with me while I was mowing. I fixed up his little exercise fence and brought a couple of his favorite toys for him to play with. That didn't keep him from barking up a storm. That was the first time I've ever heard him bark that much for so long. I did stop and console him from time to time, but, as soon as I left him, he cranked it up again. The lady who lives behind us told me later she could hear him barking but she didn't know what was going on. (And, just to set the record straight, I stopped to catch my breath. This hacking cough and drainage have really made any exertion more difficult.)

I suppose we had Spring Break when I was a kid growing up. I'm pretty sure it wasn't called that, but, I don't really have any great recollections of going anywhere or doing something special. As a teen, if we were out of school, we would typically get a group of guys together and go on a fishing trip. We would spend the night and sleep on old blankets out on the creek bank. I could probably dredge up some stories from those outings but I'm not sure they would end up being appropriate. I know some of the fellows were into pranks and others weren't. That did lead to conflict and some tussling and even fisticuffs, but, it often was between cousins, so no harm was done. While we did do a lot of creek swimming back in my day, I can't recall folks making trips to Galveston or other places like they do today. However, if I was deprived I didn't know it. In fact, when I look back, I have much to be thankful for. I was surrounded by folks who did the best they could, often in difficult life circumstances, but, I always knew I was loved and cared for. I hear folks saying they didn't have this or that growing up and I have to wonder if they even knew about it at all until they were grown.

Sorry to be running a little late on my blogs, but, I do have reasons for this development. Even though I am retired I am not always able to climb the stairs and spend time in my Home Office. When I was working each day I could do a little here and there on the next day's blog throughout the day and then finish up early the next morning. That doesn't always work here in retirement-ville. I do have a few readers who like to peruse them with their first cup of coffee. And, my desire is to make that happen, not that anyone will miss out on anything if they don't get it that early, or, at all. You might recall that I have considered more than once retiring from the blogging enterprise. Let's face it. After publishing 3,025 episodes, can there ever really be anything new? Oh well, I still like to sit here and play a few tunes on the old keyboard, therefore, I suppose I will keep at it. For now. We will see how it goes. You noticed I didn't mention Mr. Bentley as part of the mitigating circumstances, but, he pretty much can only tolerate chewing for so long on the stuff I have here in my office. Joking only. Have a great rest of the day and may God bless each one. Amen. ...More later.

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