Wednesday, March 6, 2019

“I'd rather take coffee than compliments just now.” ― Louisa May Alcott, Little Women

Good morning and welcome. Today is Wednesday, March 6, 2019. I know some of you have wondered if I still have my commitment to Community Coffee since I retired. Many things have changed but that one still remains near the top of the list. I will make a confession here. While I don't think myself to be a hoarder and I'm fairly certain I'm not in need of intervention, at least not for this particular matter, I do have 2-1/2 cases of reserve on hand and I just ordered another one. Why? It goes like this. The best price offered by the Community Coffee Company is 30% off with free shipping. If I go with the just-in-time system of ordering when I am close to running out, invariably, this type of deal is not available. However, by having a reserve I can wait until that deal becomes available, like it did for one day only, yesterday, celebrating Fat Tuesday. I hope that makes sense. Now for you number crunchers, I am well aware there is something called a net present value of the monies I spend to build this backlog. It has to do with the monies paid out no longer being available and what the value is of having that money. Here's my simple answer to that particular equation: I don't care. I hope this clears up any questions because when it comes to my coffee, I am always unanimous in my own opinion.

At least a little of the opening paragraph was tongue-in-cheek. (Defined as: When a statement is "tongue in cheek" it is ironic, slyly humorous; it is not meant to be taken seriously, however its sarcasm is subtle.) At least a little of it. I will let you ferret out which part is or isn't. I will tell you this and it is the truth as I know it. Or, maybe it's my opinion, you know, unanimously rendered. Here it goes: People who sell coffee by the cup pretty much all over the landscape should be ashamed of themselves. The latest numbers I could find showed the average cost per cup sold is $2.70. That might be okay. Calling it coffee is the real crime here. I'm talking about black coffee with no added ingredients. That, my friend, is based on authoritative taste testing by a self-appointed taste tester. People tell me all the time I should try what they sell at this place or that place. I have. Not too long ago a very nice lady at the food court at the big mall saw me with one of those cups from that place with the strange logo on it. I had had the fellow make me, from scratch, a cup of bold black coffee. It was not great but better than other alternatives. The lady there offered to have me try her coffee which is at a much lower cost. She said she bet it would be just as good at a fraction of the cost. A day or two later I took her up on her offer. The coffee is from a major company. (Green Mountain) While her offer was appreciated, I have not had any more of it. Period. Unless it is a legitimate coffee emergency I prefer to wait until I get home. That's my story and I will soon have 3-1/2 cases to prove I mean business!

Yep. It is not only a slow news day, especially if you would rather not even know what is going on, but, it was a day for me to share a little frivolous silliness. With a ring of truth thrown in for good measure. And, lest you think me to be rude, I always drink the coffee friends serve to me, regardless of the brand. I'm talking about preferences. Maybe in the extreme, but, preferences. Personal. People have done their best to humor me. I've gotten photos of Community Coffee Served Here found by friends on vacation and traveling. They also share their coffee stories because they know it is something that is of interest to me. One fellow who used to be in my Bible study class told me the thing he misses most is Bro. Al's freshly brewed Community Coffee. I would hope he misses the Bible teachings as well, but, I do appreciate his appreciation for our time of sharing a cup or two. Okay. I think I've covered this topic more than enough. I did have one little anecdote to share. The Keurig downstairs is newer and has always operated in keeping with its design. His older brother upstairs somehow got the idea he was an espresso machine and makes a wonderful strong cup of coffee. However, the one downstairs has begun to do the same thing. I know. It probably just needs to be cleaned, however, my motto is: Don't mess with success when it falls into your lap. I love it when a plan comes together, with coffee of course. Have a great rest of the day and may God help us all is my prayer. Amen. ....More later.

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