Friday, February 1, 2019

Happy 93rd Birthday to my Uncle Waymon, A man of distinction!

Uncle Waymon and yours truly, from August 2016. 
Hello Friday and welcome to February 1, 2019. This coming Sunday is the long-awaited, (for some), of this year's SuperBowl. I don't have a favorite. I don't care who wins. They will be playing the game on the big screen at our local congregation as a food and fellowship outreach activity. This means I may see flashes of the game here and there but I am not interested. For those who are. Good. Go for it. We do, however, have a family event to be very proud of. SuperBowl Sunday falls on the birthday of our Uncle Waymon, the last remaining sibling to my mom. He will be 93 years young. He is the last remaining child of eight born to Granny and Paw Paw Mac. Here is a tribute I updated that I had written on his birthday a couple of years ago and it is still true today: Today I want to send a Happy Birthday greeting to my Uncle Waymon on his major milestone in reaching the 93rd year of his sojourn here on earth. He is my mom's last remaining sibling in their family and we are thankful that God has allowed him the years granted to him. Uncle Waymon is a WWII veteran, a retired railroad executive, and a man of distinction. He has contributed much in the way of serving others and I feel particularly blessed by him and Aunt Elwanda, (passed away in January of 2017), and the support and encouragement they have given to me over the years. Happy Birthday and may God continue to bless is my prayer. Amen.

Since tomorrow is Ground Hog Day, here is a little tongue-in-cheek ditty I wrote on February 2, 2008: "Today is the day when legend has it that if Punxsutawney Phil, (the Groundhog), comes out of his burrow and sees his shadow then there will be six more weeks of winter. If he doesn't see his shadow there will be an early spring. Supposedly, this special weather forecasting celebration has been going on since 1886. In modern times this celebration has become an excuse to have a big party and there are several days of activities leading up to that moment when the whole world breathlessly awaits the Groundhog verdict. The location is in Pennsylvania, in the small town of Punxsutawney, about 80 miles northeast of Pittsburg.  In our world of entrepreneurial opportunism, one would expect others to try and get in on this fun way to make a buck. Here are some of the Groundhogs that have been established in other locations. Balzac Billy from Alberta, Canada is known as the Prairie Prognosticator and is trying to gain his moment of fame. Buckeye Chuck was officially commissioned by the Ohio General Assembly and has proudly represented his state since 1979. Georgia's groundhog makes his home at the Yellow River Game Ranch and he proudly carries the name, General Beauregard Lee. Nova Scotia's Shubenacadie Sam has tried to supplant his competitor in Pennsylvania by making his prediction earlier. Alabama has a Smith Lake Jake. New York has a Staten Island Chuck. North Carolina's entry is named Sir Walter Wally. And, finally, Canada has another entry from Ottawa and his name is Wiarton Willie. So there you have it. Are we gluttons for the absurd or what? You can find Groundhog Day greeting cards, E-Cards, and of course, you can either purchase or rent the 1993 Bill Murray movie entitled Groundhog Day. If those do not appeal to you then how about some really neat Groundhog Day jokes? What happened when the groundhog met the dog catcher? He became a pound hog! What happened when the ground log sees its shadow? We'll have six more weeks of splinters! What would you get if you crossed February 2nd with a Christmas drink? You would get Ground Nog Day! Mercifully and finally: What's green, has four legs, and jumps out of its hole on February 2nd? The Ground Frog!"

Bentley is also busy training the Better Half. 
Okay. This has been somewhat of an eventful week for me. I had not anticipated having to replace my main computer in The Home Office, but, as some say, necessity can be the mother of invention. I continue the process of adjustment to our puppy, Bentley. I phrased it that way because I am convinced he sees it that way. He is in charge and doing his best to get the minions lined up the way he wants them to operate. He did actually go to the door and whined for the first time when he needed to go outside. What a surprise! Maybe the treats he gets when he is a good puppy are beginning to register. We are very proud of this 'first'. Everything we have read says get ready for an endurance run in terms of this breed being trained. Oh well, it is a new item on our agenda and we are dealing with it as best we know how. Thanks to everyone who has posted the 'how to' videos on YouTube. I did try to get him to watch some of his brothers and sisters barking and playing. He would glance momentarily but didn't really think watching any of it was worth his time. I do hope each one will have a great Saturday and that SuperBowl Sunday will find us all recognizing it for what it has been since the Resurrection, Lord's Day Sunday. We show that by meeting up together at the place of worship where we do just that, worship God, hear from Him as His Word goes forth, and we love and care for one another. That makes every Sunday a Super-Sunday. Just sayin'. Amen. .....More later.

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