Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Happy 48th to our Rodney Darrell!

Today is Wednesday, February 27, 2019. This date is important to us because our youngest, our baby boy, was born on this day, 48 years ago. Happy Birthday to our Rodney. We pause to thank God for him, his family, and to ask our heavenly Father to lead, guide, and direct his way. He has always been the live wire entertainment in our family and folks tend to gravitate to his personality. Have a great one son and know that we love you dearly. Mom and Dad.

Occasionally, our eldest and I talk some about retirement. Not mine. His. Think about that for a moment. If that doesn't put my age into perspective I'm not sure what would. We are in a class of older folks at our local fellowship. The wife and I along with maybe one or two other couples are on the entry level age (early 70's). The rest of these folks are quite a bit older. I was visiting with a couple of our men last Sunday morning. One of them leaned over and asked, "Well, just how old are you?" I told him I was 72 and counting. They both laughed heartily. They concluded that I was just a baby. One of them is 89 and the other is 87. It is somewhat funny to be considered the youngster, at age 72. I will tell you this. Many of those who carry these advanced ages do not act like it. They continue to serve. They make visits. They sing in the choir. They support the ministry of the Church. They attend all the services. And, they encourage young folks like us. It's good to know that I am still 'Sonny boy' to some of the old-timers. You may not see the humor in this, but, if the Lord allows you to continue your journey, you just might find yourself blessed to be living it. Amen.

I've been around for a while and I've lived through some fairly rough times in terms of our country's political environment. However, I'm not sure I've ever seen the level of hate-filled acrimony that defines today's political climate. It's so bad it actually is turning people off from even being able to watch what is going on. I know I need to keep up with it all and to stay informed but it is a daily challenge just to check what is the latest low, and, typically, I leave knowing there is more coming. The other day a commentator admitted how her side was not against the actual programs being put forth by this administration, however, hating Trump trumps everything. That was in response to a question about them being for the program before but now they are violently opposed. See what I mean? There's no longer a race to the bottom because we passed that some time ago. This situation should cause us all to do one thing. That's right. One thing. As believers, we need to pray for our nation and our leaders, and, we need to seek God's intervention in the affairs of our country. He is ultimately in control. He knows best. We need to trust Him. Amen. ....More later.

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