Thursday, February 21, 2019

Happy Birthday to our Granddaughter, Brittany!

Our newest great grands: Bella, (Annabella), and Gabi, (Gabriella)
Yep. Contrary to unreported guesses, I'm still around and if I kicked, well, to tell the truth, I ought to be. (kicked) Good to catch back up with everyone here on this Thursday, February 21, 2019. I enjoyed spending time with two of our granddaughters, Stefani, and Brittany, and their daughters, Bella, and Gabi, our great-granddaughters. This was the first time Mr. Bentley was able to meet these girls and he was excited enough for the whole group. It was my fulltime job to keep him off of these sweet girls. He wanted to show them how much they were welcome. The wife had prepared a meal and we enjoyed about three hours of fun and fellowship. Family. One of the blessings God has provided to us. We appreciate them coming to see us. I thought about how special it was to mom and dad when some of the little ones were brought to see them. I'm sure I act more like them these days. Oh well, when you are a high mileage vehicle, what more could you expect? One of the things one forgets when they are three score, ten, plus two is just exactly what that means. One example. Mr. Bentley discovered his first squirrel close enough for him to get a really good look at it. Bam! He jerked the leash right out of my hand. And, we were off to the races. I chased that little dude for over 5 minutes as he dragged the leash behind him. He is fast. Very fast. He would ease up just long enough for me to get close and then he would take off again. Around and around the outside of the house we went. I finally got him. He thought it was all good fun. At 72, I could hear my body who had formed a spontaneous flash mob acapella choir singing about the saddest song you ever heard. That was two days ago but if I listen closely they are still humming in the background.

Our granddaughter Danielle is a 911 dispatcher for the Baytown Police Department. She loves the work she does in helping to serve and protect those in need. We opened up Facebook the other morning and found this photo along with this caption: "City of Baytown - Government is at Baytown City Hall. She saved a life when someone called 911: Dispatcher Celeste Danielle Butler coached a caller through CPR, stayed on the phone until that patient’s pulse returned and ultimately SAVED A LIFE! Butler received the Lifesaving award." This young woman is amazing. She has multiple associate's degrees, a bachelor's degree, and is now beginning the process of pursuing her masters. She loves the Lord and we are so thankful for how God is working in her life. Congratulations on a job well done. Our love, MiMi and Poppy.

Brittany, Gabi, and Ryan.
Also, today is a very special day as we celebrate our granddaughter Brittany's 28th birthday. She and Gabi happen to be in our area for a few days since husband and dad Ryan, US Army, has been deployed overseas. They are permanently stationed at Fort Riley, Kansas, and so we look forward to meeting up with her this evening to personally give her our love and appreciation. We pray for our Brittany and her family and ask God to provide for them. Amen. Family. We are blessed. And, yes, we do have things going on most of the time, here, there, and nearly everywhere. That's how it goes with family. Blessed. I do hope you have a great rest of the day, Thursday, as we all continue our journey here on the planet. I woke up to some steady cold rain this morning. Mr. Bentley wasn't too keen on venturing out in it, but, with some coaxing, we walked for a little while. He was very happy when I said it was time to return to the house. Maybe it was because I was wearing a jacket with a hoodie and he was pretty much exposed to the elements. He certainly seemed to appreciate the warmer house. I get it. I guess I will work on making him tougher another day. Take care and may God bless each one. Amen. ....More later.

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