Tuesday, February 26, 2019

In response to the question, "Is Mormonism a cult?" Answer: Yes. Why? Mormonism teaches doctrines that are in direct contradiction to the essentials of the Christian faith. It denies the true nature of God, the true nature of Christ, and the true nature of salvation. Source:Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry.

Well, hello there, my, it's been along time, in fact, it seems like only yesterday, and it was. My apologies to Willie Nelson for butchering his great song so early on a Tuesday morning, this one being February 26, 2019. The other day, the wife saw our first Iris bloom of the season. It was a beautiful white blossom. Those Iris plants came out of her mom's yard. We've had them for many years. They have been planted, transplanted, and nurtured, and when that first one popped up, the wife told me it was, "Like hearing my mom say good morning!" It's interesting how certain things trigger our memories. It actually can be almost anything. For me, it might be a song, a sermon, a joke, a person, or just seeing something that reminds me of someone we have loved and known in the past. Sometimes I can hear my father-in-law declaring the word of the Lord when I listen to a sermon on the internet. Same for my brother-in-law. My grandfather shows up all the time. My mom and dad too. My Granny Mac also because she too had some funny ways and said things in a funny way. The other day I stood at my front door and spoke for 30 minutes with two young Mormon missionaries. They were so polite and respectful. I told them I had dealt with their colleagues before and had made a deal with them. I will listen to them if they listen to me. This time, they decided to forego their spiel but they did listen to me. I did my best to share with them the real Jesus as opposed to the Jesus their Church teaches. I could tell they wanted to leave but out of respect they stayed until I finished. I pray that God will use the verses I shared to work in the hearts of these two fine young men. My point? I shared a personal story with them that triggered some memories of some within our family and it reminded me once again of a dear brother-in-law, Kenneth, who died relatively young in a hunting accident and was one of the most Godly men I ever rubbed elbows with. When it's all said and done, the best memories of those gone on before us is when we can dwell on their testimony for the Lord. Amen.

When I was telling my wife about my visit with the two Mormons she asked what they had to say. Not much I told her. Nothing really about their Mormonism. I learned they were both headed to college when they finished their two years as a missionary. One was headed to BYU and the other to Utah State. They both come from fairly large families. We talked some about sports and other similar topics. They wanted to know how it went with the last missionaries that knocked on my door. I told them it was a hot sultry evening and the mosquitoes were really bad. The previous fellows gave me their spiel and when they finished they allowed me to share the Gospel as I know it. I told them one of the fellows being eaten up by the mosquitoes must have been allergic because he had big whelps that were beginning to swell up. I listened and they listened. I suppose having shared that flashback with them is why they decided not to share any of their religion with me. However, they did allow me to tell them what I believe the truth to be. I appreciated that. I know they have been trained to deflect the responses from those who might attempt to evangelize them, however, there is a power that cannot be deflected, that being the Holy Spirit. True conviction can only come as God speaks through the truths shared from His Word. That is done through the power of the Holy Spirit, not through the messenger. That's why I have confidence in the message shared. That's why I pray for Elder Applegate and Elder Winters, that they might come to know the Real Jesus. Amen and Amen.

I can remember a time when I was mostly interested in getting people like that on their way. I never slammed the door on folks, but, the result was not too different. Something changed as I thought about it being an opportunity. These boys were out doing the work they had been prepared to do throughout their lifetime. They really hadn't been exposed to anything other than the teachings they were taking door to door. My heart went out to them because if they persist in believing something different about the way of salvation and the provider of that salvation as given in the word of God, well, they will end up separated from God forever and ever. As I said before, I can not change these fellows. I can only give them the truth from God's Word. While I can't, God can. There is hope. They did hear the simple plan of salvation and that's all any of us have to offer. That, and, a caring heart. It was then, and it still is now, in God's hands. He knows a whole lot better how to work these things out than we do. And, when it comes down to it, we are nothing more than a beggar telling other beggars where we found food. Amen. ....More later.

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