Monday, February 18, 2019

“I wish I could type as fast as I think!” ― Phillip R. Hall (My thought: I wish I could think as fast as I can type.)

Good Monday morning to each one. It's February 18, 2019, and things are better now that our equilibrium has been restored with the wife's return home. From what we know, it appears the highly awaited Mueller report on potential Russian collusion with the Trump campaign is getting close. That is if there is a report at all. From those who appear to know, it looks like this long drawn out investigation produced no evidence of any such collusion. One of the most left-leaning of the cable networks, MSNBC, has been sending signals to those who watch their programming. "You will likely be disappointed with the Mueller findings." If that were to be true and it reflects the facts as they found them, how in the world could it end up being disappointing? Here's another interesting tidbit. As it stands, over 2,000 minutes of network time has been spent building up the Russian probe. Zero minutes have been devoted on the same networks to the potential that no collusion was found. It is typical for an investigation like this to signal something about their findings. However, even a casual observer, which I am not, could look at those coverage numbers and would have to conclude that fairness and accuracy are no longer the driving force at these particular news outlets. You do not have to be a conspiracy theorist to see this. As the late funny guy, Jim Varney used to say when portraying Ernest P. Worrell, "Know what I mean Vern?"

Last Thursday we had some sporadic but strong wind gusts. For some reason, when this occurs in and around the street we live on, a transformer blows and we lose power. This happened twice within hours. The first one was for three hours before power was restored and the second one for a couple more hours. The old saying, "You don't miss your water until the well runs dry" comes to mind. If you are into quiet, it was that. Fortunately, the cellphone still worked and it is like a lifeline of sorts since you can check out all the meaningless babble on social media. But, if your battery is low, you can't recharge it, so, you have to use your phone sparingly in case the wife calls from Louisiana. Five hours in the dark. Our little Bentley also provided as much entertainment as he could. He is a fetching fanatic, and, like the little one he is, he doesn't want to stop even if you do. My wife had left me, the power went off, and my arm was tired from throwing whatever Bentley brought back to me. Tough go. Right? Not really. But, it did make me thankful when the power came back on. And, it did come back before the NASCAR preliminary races were run at Daytona. My automated grammar program and I go forth and back. He really isn't as smart as he thinks he is. When I wrote that little line about the well running dry, he flagged it. He offered me the alternative 'good' instead of 'well'. I think I will send him back to grammar school. Ha Ha!

Of course, I might understand had Grammarly told me, "You don't miss your good until the good runs dry." I will say this as a compliment. I do give him a workout. Every time I sit down and play a few tunes on the keyboard it seems to stir him up. It's kind of like watching a football game where they throw flags on nearly every play. I am exaggerating, but, there is a ring of truth in there. Somewhere. I do appreciate the times when he catches a whopper of a mistake. Thank you very much. Yes. I know. He would do well to catch more of them, but, once he finds out I called him out on the well and good wordplay, he might just pout for a while. You think what? It must be a really slow day for something for me to write about. I might agree but I am actually writing what I happen to be dealing with at the moment. I didn't say it would be memorable, but, that's how it's done in the blogging world. At least it can be considered an aside in an otherwise messed up world. My eldest son asked how I liked the races last Thursday evening. I told him the racing was fine but the outcomes were not what I was wanting. Oh well, you can't win every single time. That is unless you are on your way to heaven. That makes anyone a winner, forever and ever, Amen. Amen. .....More later.

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