Friday, February 8, 2019

“Someday is not a day of the week.” ― Janet Dailey

Here we are. I am so glad they have brought the camel back to remind us when the middle of the week gets here. NOT! At any rate, today is that camel day plus two, Friday, February 8, 2019. I do hope you have had a productive week. As I sit here in The Home Office I am trying to remember exactly how our week unfolded. That can be somewhat challenging for the retirement class. We did start the week with Church. (Sunday, the first day of the week.) I taught a lesson. We had great services. On Monday the wife went to the ministry we have in the special needs apartments, I attended a funeral service for a 91-year-old lady in our Church. She was a retired teacher and an entertainer of sorts. She identified with me because she saw me as a Christmas entertainer. We always enjoyed a great laugh together. Her service was a tribute to someone who worked tirelessly on behalf of the kingdom. She and her late husband loved to give to ministries and to folks who were down and out. They did so year after year without fanfare or recognition. Good testimony! We typically spend some time each week getting our prescriptions refilled and dealing with other medical related issues. (old people stuff) I am still working on some legal projects pertaining to mom and dad's property in Louisiana. I am also missing some information I need to file our taxes. I worked on trying to get those located. We walked the mall some. We had another great service Wednesday evening. We took care of our new puppy. (That's a big time-consuming job!) We ran errands. We may have argued a time or two, but, if we did, I don't remember the subject or the situation. One thing I know we did. We laughed. Old people can be so funny. I can tell you this: Whatever I did each day made me ready for bed between 9:30 p.m. and 10 p.m. each evening. Of that I am certain.

Here's an excerpt from 11 years ago: ~ If You Don't Laugh At Yourself, Someone Else Will! We sometimes tend to think that jokes about people in their occupations are mostly about lawyers. Like the one that says if you want to avoid a shark attack you should swim with a briefcase. The shark will think you are a lawyer and not attack you out of professional courtesy. But the jokes abound, no matter who is being talked about. I read one recently about the man who went to the doctor and said he just couldn't seem to get up and do anything, especially around the house. After the exam, the doctor told the man he had only one word to describe his ailment, "You are lazy!" The man quickly responded, "Okay, now give me the official medical term so I can tell my wife." No matter what profession, situation, or circumstance there's usually some humor in there, somewhere. Most of the blonde jokes can be rather rude. There's the story of 10 blondes and one brunette all hanging on a single rope off a cliff. They all cannot stay on the rope, so one must jump so the others can be saved. The brunette gives a very stirring speech about how she is willing to die so the others can live. At the end of her speech, the blondes were so moved they all applauded. You see jokes like that can be pretty demeaning but they are part of the landscape that we live in each and every day. As far as my blog today, it reminds us that laughter, especially, wholesome fun can help us make it through what would otherwise be a pretty dreary existence. Some of the stories Jesus told to illustrate His points were funny. Like the one where He explained the difficulty one has in removing a tiny speck of a splinter in the other fellow's eye while neglecting the boulder sticking out of his own eye. Yeah, that no doubt brought some smiles to those who heard it but it also brought home a truth about human frailty and our need to examine ourselves first. I'll leave you with one more for the road: "A turtle was walking down an alley in New York when he was attacked and mugged by a gang of snails. When asked by the detective to explain what happened the turtle replied, 'To tell the truth I don't really know, it all happened so fast'." Think about it and maybe sometime this afternoon it will bring a smile. ~

Thanks for riding along with me each day. And, I do appreciate the feedback I get from time to time. Sometimes, when someone sends me a comment I have to go back to see what I had written about on that day. They do tend to run together some when you are cranking one out each day. I want to appreciate my eldest, Chris, for coming over and helping me tear the disk drive out of the computer that died. It took a little while to figure out how to get into the 'all in one' case, but, he, as is his habit, called up a YouTube video that gave some insight in how to do it. He was able to copy off the data to an external drive and I will be loading it when we can arrange another meeting. Unfortunately, I lost some software that is proprietary and I will check to see if they will allow me to download a new copy or I might have to re-purchase some items. Oh yeah, stuff like that does take time too! I left out one major portion of my time these days. I am going to call it spending time thinking. I believe the wife likes the word procrastination. I prefer my version. Enjoy your Saturday and Lord's Day Sunday and I will do my best, Lord willing, to show up come next Monday morning. Amen. ....More later.

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