Monday, February 25, 2019

I didn't have anything to say today, but, that didn't keep me from writing.

Good morning to one and all. I welcome you to another day. This one will be lived out here on this Monday, February 25, 2019. Today, I am more or less flying by the seat of my pants since I haven't really spent any time thinking about thinking about what I might have for today's edition. That idiom, flying by the seat of one's pants, comes from back in the 1930s in the early days of air flight. There were not that many instruments and guidance devices back then, therefore, the pilot would have to fly and use his best judgment. On the fly, so to speak. At any rate, that's the story of my blogging experience, for the most part, however, some days are more so than others. Today would be one of those days. I do know that we seem to stay occupied each day even though I might be hard-pressed to provide a list of things accomplished. People ask me how I am using up all of my free time since I finally retired-retired. That's an excellent question. In fact, it's one that I would like to know the answer to. We, like most folks, do have regular things on our schedule each week. We also deal with things that come up. Today, I got up at 4:30 a.m., took Mr. Bentley for a short walk, came back into the house and up the stairs where at just past 5 a.m., I am working on my blog. We do have the apartment ministry this morning. I was told we might be able to work together on a trial run of our income taxes this afternoon. We will see. At any rate, I continue to sleep well. That's an outcome I am thankful for even if the rest of my time seems to be less productive than I might like.

I do hear a lot being said about a life-changing book on how to de-clutter one's life. It's a book, "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing" by Marie Kondō. I've not read the book or tried what she recommends, but, I have heard others talking about it being a life-changing experience. One fellow, in particular, is a financial help guy on the radio. He said he considers himself to be well organized in the extreme, however, this book had a huge impact on additional improvements he could make in his business as well as in his home. As I sit here looking at my office, I would think I might be a candidate for some decluttering. Might be. Yep. I still have the boxes sitting around that I brought home from my workplace. And, my office is filled up with stuff that most likely hasn't been used or even touched in a very long time. A good part of all this stuff has some sentimental value and the rest of it is likely the product of procrastination in motion. Slow motion. I will get to it one day soon. I actually don't need Marie Kondō to tell me I need help but when it comes out in paperback or I can find a used edition I might think about thinking about seeing what she recommends.

I read about a fellow who had survived both a shark attack and a bear attack in the same year. He is a 20-year-old Colorado man who encountered a shark while swimming off the coast of Hawaii. Later that same year, while camping, a bear came into the tent where he was sleeping and dragged him out with the back of his head and neck in the bear's mouth. He lived to tell about it, but, one would wonder how anyone could handle those types of incidents. The proverbial, "Is someone trying to tell me something?" comes to mind. He said some people consider him to be the unluckiest person while others think him to be the luckiest for having survived. I found this story on an NBC News webpage. It does point out the precarious nature of life. It can change in a hurry. Some would say there's no way one could prepare for any unexpected types of calamities. One thing we all can do is to be right with God. That way, no matter what happens, no matter what the circumstances, we will be ready to face it, all the way up to and including death. Right with God? Yes! Jesus made it clear how this can be done. While it is simple, it's also profound: "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but have eternal life." (John 3:16) Have a great rest of the day, Monday, and may God bless each one. Amen. ....More later.

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