Thursday, February 14, 2019

"Take my hand, take my whole life too, but I can't help falling in love with you." ~ Elvis Presley

Happy Valentines Day, here on this Thursday, February 14, 2019. Let me see if I can get this right. We dated for over two years, we've been married for fifty-four plus years, we have been blessed with a wonderful family, a wonderful Church family, wonderful friends, and a loving relationship. Owen Mac, a young Irish singer, does a wonderful job on this tune:

God's Plan

We all set out to find true love,
To meet someone special, that they sent from above.
To have and to hold, together growing old,
To love for the rest of our lives.

It's all part of God's plan my love,
You are my woman and I am your man,
It's all part of God's plan my love,
Joining our hearts, 'till death do us part.
Living forever, God's plan.

I knew when I met you,
You would be my wife,
I felt like I'd known you,
Every day of my life.
Your Blue eyes saw right
to my wandering soul.
And guided me all the way home.

It's all part of God's plan my love,
You are my woman and I am your man,
It's all part of God's plan my love,
Joining our hearts 'till death do us part.
Living forever, God's plan.
We weathered the storm in each other's arms,
Living forever, God's plan.

Much of what we have together can be attributed to my wonderful wife, Marilyn. Happy Valentines Day and always know, "Baby, you're still the greatest!"

The wife will be leaving at noon today to make a trip to see her brother over in Northeast Louisiana. She will join up with her sister, Dorothy, and then they will travel to be with their brother. First, they have a widow's Valentine's gathering this evening in her sister's home. Dorothy has been doing these since her husband passed away and even though she is recently remarried, she still wanted to entertain the widows of her Church. That is a good thing. Plus, we've already celebrated our Valentines Day with a shopping excursion and a meal together at a local restaurant. I will survive. There are two preliminary NASCAR races on tonight leading up to Sunday's Daytona 500. I will be able to manage. And, everyone knows these sisters are as close as close can get. That's not a new development. Now that Dorothy is remarried, they may not talk as often as they did before, however, they still do talk and sometimes it can go on and on and on. I asked one evening after they had finished a marathon session, hadn't they had just talked recently and what was left to discuss? That got me a wave off. You know. Mind your own business. That too is not a new development. I understand. I used to talk for 20-30 minutes to my mom twice a day. Our discussions didn't amount to much except for maybe when we were talking about the Bible, but, they met a need in her life and it very much allowed me to show her the honor and respect she deserved. She and dad always knew about the time I would be calling and dad would try to get to the phone first. He would talk to me until he could tell she could not stand it any longer. He got a kick out of it. It was like a game. They were precious and I miss them so much.

I have finally gotten all the information I need to get ready to get ready to do my taxes. It requires some preparation. More mental than anything else. We know we owe. We always do. By design. And, the motivation to find out how much is somewhat taxing, pun intended. I will get my game face on and get it done. Soon. One day. Soon. We don't have an elaborate filing, but, we do utilize a number of parameters within the tax code. Thankfully, we have a tax software program we've used for the past ten years that helps. It still requires that we key in our income, deductions, and expenses. That takes time. And, we already know we owe. I will get to it. I promise. Does anyone know the last day to file for this year? Joking only. My wife probably thought I had a sudden onset attack of an ailment that does plague me from time to time, Procrastination. I will probably get them done while she is away on her trip. One final thing on taxes. I've said it before and I'll say it again. We are blessed to live in this nation, the United States of America, and we are blessed to participate in its continuation. After all, God's word tells us to pay our taxes: "For because of this you also pay taxes, for rulers are servants of God, devoting themselves to this very thing." (Romans 13:6) Okay. Have yourself a great rest of the day and may God bless each one. Amen. ....More later.

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