Wednesday, October 24, 2018

"Hard work spotlights the character of people: some turn up their sleeves, some turn up their noses, and some don’t turn up at all.” ~ Sam Ewing

By my calculations, as I start this day, I have 6 more working days before I ride off into the sunset. And, today, I will be working with the day set before me, Wednesday, October 24, 2018. Most of the folks now know that I am on my way out. I appreciate those who have shown some real sadness at the thought of me no longer showing up here every day. I'm not sure what to make of it. They either think I am an institution or that I should be in one. I'll not try to answer that one today. Believe me, none of us have that much time. You do know I am kidding. Thinking back on all the different jobs I've had, I still contend the short time I spent as a bricklayer's helper was the most demanding. At the time, in 1965, I had a regular job working alongside the head oiler on all the equipment used to build Toledo Bend Dam. But, we hit a slow period because of too much rain and we were not working a full schedule. A fellow we knew through the local Church offered for me to help him on a contracted house to do the brickwork. I had a young wife to support, therefore, I agreed. It was the most physically demanding work I have ever done. I had to hit the ground running and had little idle time all day long. I mixed the mortar. I carried the brinks. The bricklayer was slinging mud and bricks like there was no tomorrow. He got paid by the job. I did two weeks. It had a huge impression on me. I later cited it as one of the motivating factors for me to take an administrative position working for the US Government. I see that fellow on rare occasions when we visit Louisiana. He doesn't remember nearly killing me, but, he does seem pleased that he was of help in directing my career choices.

I am already camping out some in my office upstairs at home. It will be my new home so to speak. I leave at quitting time on Wednesday, October 31. I start my new job when I climb those stairs on Thursday morning, November 1. I will think about delaying the start of my new job by a day or two, but, right now I think it is best to continue some level of continuity. I also know the wife is thinking about this change because it will impact us all. Her routine. My routine. I remember back in the mid-1990's when I was doing a consulting project. I would work a week in Chicago and then work from my office at home the next week. We had to make a lot of adjustments. I do remember her friends always being disappointed when they found out I was at home that week. Well, excuse me! While I was there they offered me the head job over their information technology group, but, I declined because we didn't want to move to the Chicago area. Plus, the wife's parents were beginning to falter some and we needed to be closer to them. I did go as far as to bring the wife up to Chicago and we looked at houses in the area, but in the end, we stayed put. God provided. He always has provided. I thank Him for His blessings. Now, it's time to turn the page. Within this context, I have no idea what that means but I've seen it used before and thought I would throw it in for good measure.

I will admit that I'm preoccupied with this transition some. Yesterday morning when I got up I saw the wife had the trash out of the can and sitting in the kitchen. That typically means I should put the trash out. I did. The only problem was trash day is today not yesterday. I suppose I was operating on autopilot or auto-suggestion. Twice during the past week, I've missed my turn because in one situation I was talking on the cell phone while driving. Nearly hands-free. On the speakerphone. The other one was at 3:45 a.m. and I must have been thinking about thinking about the future. By the time I realized I had passed my turns, it was too late, and I had to come up with a new flight plan on the fly. Fortunately, it didn't delay be very much, but, it did aggravate me. A little. Not much. Old people. You just have to love us. It's a little late for me to be motivated by a slogan like 'Those who reached the top of the mountain didn't fall there.' I immediately thought the person who put that one up must have seen me climbing on the truck and doing my best impression of Tim Conway impersonating the old, old man. I think the idea has something to do with effort and work. Working hard. Oh well. It won't be long now, which, in case you never heard it, is the same thing the long-tailed cat said in a room full of rocking chairs. Think about it. It will come to you. Enjoy. May God bless. Amen. ...More later.

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