Friday, October 5, 2018

Happy Birthday to our Firstborn, Chris!

Today is Friday, October 5, 2018. Fifty-three years ago today, our first child, Chris, was born. He actually talks from time to time about his future plans for retirement. Are you kidding? It got here so fast. We are thankful for our Chris. He has developed into a leader in his Company and more importantly into a man of God and a teacher of God's Word. We are also thankful for his wife and their daughters and grandchildren which are our great-grandchildren. Chris has always been a worker. Recently, he and I began teaching the same Bible passages as a part of the study chosen by our respective local fellowships. This might be the first time we've had this happen. We've always swapped insights and thoughts about The Scriptures but now we can talk about the actual lessons we both will be teaching. He has been good to his mom and dad and to his family. We wish him a happy 53rd birthday and add our prayer that God will continue to bless him and his life. Amen. Our love, mom, and dad.

Since we are talking about Chris' birthday, here's my first blog about his special day posted back on October 5, 2007: "Every child is different. Through some quirk in the DNA structure, I totally missed out on whatever it is that’s required to be hands-on mechanical. This doesn’t mean that I wasn’t involved in a lot of mechanical stuff, it just never stuck, period. Our son, on the other hand, came complete with the handyman gene fully operational, even at a young age. He began taking things apart and fixing them probably at age 8 or 9. If there is information that can be read or studied he typically can read it and quickly become effective in doing that task whether it is doing anything automotive, working on appliances, doing remodeling and construction, plumbing, providing expert computer repair, and any number of other types of activities. Everyone in our family has been blessed with his help over the years. This can be a little depressing for me since typically they hide the tools where I can’t find them. When I said I was not inclined or skilled in doing mechanical things I did not say that has kept me from trying. Some of my efforts have become legendary funny stories. One of my favorite ones involves me deciding to do hot water heater repair. I can’t remember exactly what was wrong but it required that I turn the water off and disconnect all the plumbing to the water heater. Here’s what happened. I looked high and low and finally found enough pipe wrenches and other tools to do the job. Our water heater is in the garage and I was busily doing my thing in trying to break loose the couplings on the connecting pipes. About that time our eldest pulled up into the driveway and jumped out of his car. He then yelled in a loud voice, 'Put the pipe wrench down and back away from the water heater and we will not have a problem! I protested, but he persisted, 'Just do as I tell you, put the wrench down, now!' Of course, he ended up repairing the unit and all was well. Bottom line is that we appreciate all he has done for us and all he means to us. He is blessed with a really good job and he does his best to provide for his family. He and I often tackle theological questions during which he reminds me of a younger me. Given all he was subjected to during my hit and miss approach to child rearing, he stands out as a wonderful example of God’s grace in action as he continues to grow and develop in his life. My wife and I are blessed. Our children, their wives, and their children reflect God’s goodness to us and we thank Him for giving them to us. Happy 42nd Birthday son, and may God continue to bless."

Sorry about the length of that flashback. I was a wee bit wordy back in those days. I hear the groans and I think someone out there was brave enough to blurt out, "What's changed?" Thanks so much for your input. We have had us a busy week. But, I bet you have had one as well. I hope things change when I retire-retire. Right now I wake up at 2:45 a.m. and keep one eye on the clock as I do my best to stay in the bed at least until 3:00 a.m. In that 15 minutes of waiting, I have visions of someday sleeping as long as my heart desires. I fear that when that day comes I will be laying there at 2:45 a.m. wondering how long I can make myself stay in the bed. Oh well, I don't have to solve that problem today. It can wait. I do hope you have yourself a most wonderful Saturday and that all of us on Lord's Day Sunday will make it a priority to show up at the location where believers meet to worship the Lord and hear from Him. It is a most advantageous way to start the brand new week. It is. I know that to be the truth. Just do it! May God bless us all is my prayer. Amen. ....More later.

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