Friday, May 23, 2014

"The mainstream media has its own agenda. They do not want to print the facts. They have an agenda, they have a slant, they have a bias. It is outrageous to me." Curt Weldon, Former Republican Congressman from Pennsylvania

Hello to one and all, those who are here intentionally, and those through a misguided keystroke end up here as an accidental tourist. It is Friday, May 23, 2014 and I'm still overloaded with my opinion container overflowing. There was a heated recent furor that came about because an influential Republican power broker mentioned that Hillary Clinton may have suffered brain damage when she hit her head in her fall last year. This was enough to start a nuclear war with the mainstream press. How dare him even suggest such a thought? Even if she does have continuing issues, what a despicable and wretched slime drenched sorry excuse for a human being to even breathe a word about it. They showed up armed and ready to defend their chosen candidate. It was interesting to observe all of this. Enter the scene one Sarah Palin, former Governor of Alaska and Vice Presidential candidate. She wrote an editorial piece about how she agreed that this was inappropriate conjecture. However, she wondered out loud where the mainstream media concern was when they themselves literally trashed her, her family, and even went after her mentally challenged child. They were not the ones responding to the suggestions of others. They had been the perpetrators of the slime job done on her. Yet, here's what they want us to believe: There's no double standard folks and while you are at it, pay no attention to the man behind the screen. That's right. "Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas any more."

Don't get the idea I am a big Sarah Palin supporter. I'm not. But, in this case, she is absolutely right and it's out there for everyone to see, that is, if they are willing to open their eyes. I read through a list of 51 TV programs that will not be returning next year. Some of them have been on for 12 or more years. While I recognized several of them by name, we are not watchers of any of them. There you go. It's hard to be disappointed when they cancel programs you never even watched. Now if they go off the reservation and start messing with the country/bluegrass/polka/gospel music on RFDTV, well, I would be frothing at the mouth. If they start fiddling with the reruns of the reruns of the reruns of COPS, First 48, Duck Dynasty, Snapped, Solved, NCIS, Mayberry RFD, and other such notable entertainment programming, we might just throw ourselves a little fit. It just dawned on me. You can't watch those programs they are cancelling if you mostly watch reruns on Satellite. See how I figured that out? Not bad for a first year baby boomer. What say you?

Sometimes you just need one. A combination of factors add fuel to that sudden onset force. It tracks you down and sometimes, without warning, grabs hold and will not let you go. I'm talking about the need for a quick restorative nap. I typically have some Community along with me as I drive here and there across the highways and byways of life. If not Community I have a trusty Rockstar Sugar Free Energy Drink along for the ride. (My dad keeps me supplied with cans of these very helpful alertness aids.) The other day I had made a long trip. I had not taken either of my traveling liquids along. I came up to a turn signal. It's a long wait. I knew that. So, I waited. Next thing I know I was aroused from my slumber and the car sitting next to me had two ladies laughing out loud, mouths open, I suppose as in LOL. I don't know what they saw but it must have been my head on my chest as I rested my eyes ever so briefly. I waved at them and made my turn onto my street. The horns had not cranked up behind me, therefore, I knew I had not been out very long. At least somebody thought it was funny. It reminded me of the importance of that slogan, "Don't leave home without it." Old people. We are a funny lot. Life is still working to teach me things I need to know. But, I assume it's doing the same for you as well. I wonder how many times those ladies have told that story. I'm glad they didn't put it on YouTube. Now, you folks take care, have a great Saturday, and a wonderful Lord's Day Sunday, and, for me, I will attempt to be bright eyed and bushy tailed come next Monday. May God bless each one! Amen.   ....More later.

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