Wednesday, May 28, 2014

"He's so old....he dreams in black and white!" Anonymous

Hello and welcome. It's Wednesday, May 28, 2014. Here's a strange little tidbit for our area. We've only had one day that hit 90° thus far this year and that was back in April. They tell us this is very different than what we would typically experience by this time of the year. But, not to fear, we have plenty of those sweltering days coming to a homestead near you and they have been working out so they can be fully able to do their thing. They are predicted to get themselves kicked up in earnest by the end of this week. Our aging A/C system must have heard about it because he has requested a handicap parking permit. I was thinking about all that relaxation I did over the holiday weekend but remembered a few of the things we did do. I prepared a Bible lesson for my class and did some other miscellaneous office stuff. We went walking at the big mall. While we were there we met some fellow walkers that we have known for thirty plus years. They used to be in our Church for many years and are a very special couple to us. We hugged and visited. Time well spent. We participated in and enjoyed a wonderful Lord's Day Sunday alongside our brothers and sisters in our local fellowship of believers. Ate out together. We fixed or fixed at the bottom of the piano stool for the umpteenth time. We bought the piano back in 1968. We attended an impromptu luncheon on Memorial Day with our eldest son and his family. This included spending time with all of his clan highlighted by our great grand Madi girl. Went to the grocery store. My wife likes to go places and do things. She remarked on Saturday that we were just sitting around and doing nothing, growing older by the minute. Maybe she was thinking about this funny from the late Art Linkletter, "The four stages of man are infancy, childhood, adolescence, and obsolescence."

I don't know about obsolete but I most often do feel that I am out of touch. It's as if I have greatly exceeded by 'use by date'. The young folks of today, Generation Y, are called Millennials. They follow the Generation X kids. (And, they are already looking at the projected characteristics of the Z Generation coming to families near you.) These millennial kids have different views than their parents, their grandparents, and very much disconnect from their great grands. Why so? The raising of this generation has emphasized through all forms of media a more liberal view of all things in life. They are more likely to embrace and support behaviors and lifestyles that still cause their grandparents to blush. The Internet, computer based video games, social media, smart phone technologies, and all the other sources that keeps them plugged in and busy 24x7 have promoted this amazing transformation. It's hard for us older folks to grasp the magnitude of this sea change that has swept through the cultural landscape of our nation. Folks in Churches are scratching their heads regarding ways to reach out to these free spirits. Some have decided that compromise is the best approach. For me, I choose to believe that God and His Word of salvation through Jesus Christ is still their only hope, just like it is my only hope. Just like it is your only hope. That's the only timeless truth to every generation that can transform from the inside out! Amen.

I also am reminded that we as believers are challenged to live a life of love that can be seen by others. Doing so will give us standing that will allow us to share our faith. When we do share, it is God's work to deal with the heart. We have plenty to stay busy with just doing our part. Often these younger generations see the contradictions and hypocrisy that at times define our lives. They use that as an excuse for dismissing our beliefs and values. They are often correct in their reading of our failures, however, that does not change the truth, and we should prayerfully seek to do all we can, admitting our faults, while doing our best to point them to the God who loves them and will not let them down. It's easy for us to just look the other way and mutter our disgust under our breath. We are prone to do this because we can't fathom the crazy hairdos and colors, the clothes, the tattoos, the metal in their ears, noses, lips, tongues, and who knows where else. I suppose the best thing for you and I to remember is no matter what anyone looks like, God loves them all the same, and wants them to be His very own. Tough challenge for us older folks? You better believe it! Worth it? Absolutely, because we need to always remember their days are numbered just like ours. May God bless each one. Amen. ....More later.

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