Tuesday, April 22, 2014

"The Church is not a gallery for the exhibition of eminent Christians, but a school for the education of imperfect ones." ~ Henry Ward Beecher

Hello one and all. It's Tuesday and I bid you welcome here on this April 22, 2014. We enjoyed such wonderful Resurrection Day services this past Sunday. Our local meeting place was nearly full and we had wonderful worship music, a great message of truth from God's Word, and loving fellowship among all who came. In fact, we enjoy this so much, we try to see that it happens in honor of our Great God and Savior each and every first day of the week, Sunday. I know there are some folks who are not able to get out and attend a service like this due to health or other hindrances. However, there are many, far too many, who think very little of the blessing that God provides to those who honor Him by gathering together. Some say they can do all they need to do just between them and God, one on one. Others say most Churches are filled up with hypocrites, so why even bother. There's only one problem here. We, as believers, are actually commanded in the Scriptures to be faithful in assembling ourselves together. (Hebrews 10:25) We do so because it is the Lord Jesus Himself who birthed the Church and gave Himself up for the sins of the world and for the ongoing ministry to the world through His chosen organization/organism, the local New Testament Church. As for the folks who show up each week, well, you can be sure we all need God's help because we all are prone to waver, therefore, Church is the right place for us all to get things right, even if we have to do it each time we meet! Amen.

I just came off a three day weekend but for some reason I just can't seem to get everything back up and going like it should be. Please don't tell me that this too is an age thing. I think I've blamed enough on that situation which everyone tells me is a good situation compared to the alternative. I know what they mean when they say that but at the same time I look at it as being a mixed feeling. As long as I am here and dealing with the slight challenges that come with aging, well, I'm still able to contribute something to others and that is our calling. However, to think that we will one day live forever in the presence of our Lord, that's the outcome of our hopes and dreams. The Apostle Paul had that same tension in his life when he penned these words, "Christ means everything to me in this life, and when I die I'll have even more." (Philippians 1:21 from the GOD'S WORD Translation) Building an expectation of seeing Him is a good way to balance our time of serving Him here in our sojourn on earth. Think about it like this. We will one day get to go home. Home is where our heart is. Home in where our Savior is. One day we will have the greatest home going celebration and reunion that we could ever imagine. Amen.
Keep in mind that it is not an escape, but rather a destination and thankfully it is one that He has provided for any and all who choose to put their faith and trust in Him. You do know that I notice funny things about people. Why? Because people are funny. That also includes me. Yet, there are times when I tend to see the funny in others more than myself. Eventually this becomes apparent when someone else sees and expresses the funny they see in me. Now wait just a cotton picking minute! But, we all know it's true. Everybody has their own unique set of quirks and oddities. When I am being observant I can see some pretty hilarious material and it turns out to be right under my very own nose. How many times do we end up asking ourselves, "I can't believe I did that?" What's that? I can always blame it on my age? Let me just say this about that. There's much blaming then that needs to go on around these parts and it does help us all to recognize it. I'm not so sure that when we laugh the whole laughs with us but I am certain that it is very healthy to be able to see ourselves in a light where we can laugh at our antics. And, that my friend, is no laughing matter, if you get my drift. When am I going to share some of these really good stories on myself? That's a completely different area of speculation but I will take it under advisement. Enjoy the rest of your day and don't forget to thank God for His provision of our heavenly home. Amen.   .....More later.

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