Wednesday, April 2, 2014

“And I do wish she wouldn't sing about poisoning just after we have eaten.” ― Cassandra Clare, quotation from her book: Clockwork Prince

***I ask that you say a prayer for my mom who is in the hospital being treated for blood clots. She is in good spirits and anticipating this to be a short stay.***

Okay. It's not that bad. It's Wednesday already, here on this April 2, 2014 and fortunately I will not use an image of that most annoying even toed ungulate (camel) that you see on those most annoying commercials. I suppose they work because people do remember them. Right? My wife and I have sung together since before we were married. That's a long time. We have done many duet specials in Church over the years. We had not done one in quite a long time but we did sing together during the service this past Sunday. She sings on the stage each week as part of the praise team. I sing in the shower. The special turned out okay but the real video would have been of our time spent rehearsing. Now that would have been a good one. Her: "What part are you trying to sing?" Me: "I suppose it's the one I'm doing." Her: "Okay, but you don't sing the same part every time." Me: "I'll try to do better." Her: "I don't think anyone in the world could sing that many different parts on one song." Me: "Do I get an award or something?" She actually likes to follow those musical note thingies and do what they tell you to do. I mostly do whatever it is that comes into my head and from there I send it to my voice and await the outcome. The good news: The actual presentation went well. The getting ready part was one for the ages. But, that's been more or less how our rehearsal time has gone for these more than 50 years and I'm thankful that together we can still communicate in song a message that portrays the truth about our Great God! Amen.

The Facebook status posting is a good way for friends and family to stay connected and informed. There are those who tend to provide more information than most people want to know. The acronym is TMI, Too Much Information. I've seen folks talk about things in their private life that for the most part no one cares to hear. It also can be costly. There was a fellow who filed an age discrimination lawsuit against a private school and he won an $80,000 settlement. However, his teenaged daughter wrote about what had happened to him on Facebook and the school appealed the settlement based on the confidentiality agreement being breached. They won and he had to return the money. I've also heard about folks who have gone after certain products, services, or stores on Facebook and have ended up having to deal with legal issues involving defamation. I suppose it's always best to think before you put that stuff out there for all the world to see.

I do not like those little soft pack juice containers that you have to try and poke the straw into the designated poke area. I thought maybe I was the only one that had trouble making this happen until I read this little jewel the other day. "I don't think I could ever stab someone. Let's be honest. I have enough trouble just getting the straw stuck into the Capri Sun." Me too! Amen on that one! I tense up when one of the kids pulls out one of those boxes or pouches and hands it to me. It's like trying to diffuse a ticking time bomb. If they can make pill bottles easier for me to open, then why can't they do something about that straw stabbing deal? Then you have those things that you are likely never going to hear anyone say at anytime. You know what I am talking about. "That Lean Cuisine was so delicious and it really filled me up." Keep on dreaming on that one cupcake. Maybe it's been different for you. If so, good. For me. I'll keep practicing and trying to find my part. Have a great rest of the day and may God bless you real good. Amen.    ...More later.

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