Friday, April 25, 2014

Scene from the Home Alone Movie: Kate McCallister: "How could we do this? We forgot him." Peter McCallister: "We didn't forget him, we just miscounted." Kate McCallister: "What kind of a mother am I?" Frank McCallister: "If it makes you feel any better, I forgot my reading glasses."

Good morning and welcome. Well, she did it again. I think you already know what I am talking about. She left me. She left Thursday for her journey to Louisiana to clear some land. That might be a new one but the result is the same. I'm left to fend for myself and typically that's not always a good idea. This is what I am fretting about on this Friday, April 25, 2014. The thought of her with an axe in her hand, well, it might be good that she is that far away. You do know I am joking. Right? Yet, I do recall when we were doing the demolition in our home after Hurricane Ike that she really enjoyed swinging this huge sledgehammer. I often wondered what she was thinking about as she ripped through that sheet-rock. No. I'm almost certain I wasn't on her mind at that time although that recovery stuff was very tedious my friend, very tedious indeed. She's due back Sunday morning in time for service at our local fellowship so that gives me time to think about when I might be able to begin to make sure that I get done what needs to be done before her return. The fellows reading this know exactly what I am talking about because it really does defy any logic whatsoever to think that a bed has to be made up when you will be back in it in just a matter of hours. Who came up with those rules anyway?

Okay. Let me clear one thing up before I go any further. I know some have looked at the before and after photo I used on Wednesday and thought perhaps I have been in the government sponsored witness protection plan based on the changes in my appearance. Enough of those thoughts! Let me set the record straight. I am not in disguise. My current appearance has been forged over time based on the winds, waves, and vicissitudes of life. Thanks for thinking about me anyway because I happen to like that word vicissitude and rarely get to use it. It has the connotation represented in that old Gospel song, Time Has Made A Change In Me. The chorus: "Time has made a change in the old home place; Time has made a change in each smiling face, And I know my friends can plainly see Time has made a change in me." I also ask that you not contact the FBI to check this story out. I've got enough of that vicissitude stuff to work with right now. Thanks.

I don't want to beat a dead horse but if it is already dead it probably wouldn't feel it anyway, however, I do apologize for any equine enthusiasts that might be offended by the metaphor. Back to the beating of you know what. This kid who stowed away in the wheel well of that passenger jet and rode it to Hawaii, well, if that don't beat all and I'm not including any horses when I say that. Here's the laughable but tragic outcome in this situation: We have a budget for the Department of Homeland Security nearing 1 trillion dollars per year. Everyday we read about people being hassled, abused, and delayed in the name of making absolutely certain that airline travel is safe. Yet, a kid can climb under a fence and get himself curled up into the wheel well and hop a ride. Sure. It's a near miracle that he survived such a stunt. However, there's folks who hate us who would be more than happy to duplicate his act carrying with them some destructive bomb being overjoyed to give their life for their perceived cause. Like I say. Laughable but tragic. However, we should feel better because this situation is currently under review. Whew! I feel better already. (Sorry. I have a wee bit of a problem hiding sarcasm. I'll try to do better next time.) Have yourself a really great Saturday and Lord's Day Sunday and I will do my very best, Lord willing, to meet up with you again come next Monday. May God bless us all. Amen.  ....More later.

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