Thursday, April 3, 2014

Jeremiah 23:36 (New King James Version): "And the oracle of the Lord you shall mention no more. For every man’s word will be his oracle, for you have perverted the words of the living God, the Lord of hosts, our God."

The Southern Gospel song starts out like this: "I woke up this morning feeling fine I woke up with heaven on my mind I woke up with joy in my soul cause I knew my Lord had control..." Not a bad way to get our day started, if you ask me. It's a whole lot better than hoping for news headlines to make your day. I can assure you of that. Hello and welcome, it's Thursday, April 3, 2014, and I'm trying to stay focused on something that will encourage and enhance our day. That's why I used those lyrics because based on my three score and soon to be eight, knowing that God is in control is really the only truth that can provide a sense of certainty and joy in such upside down times like we are living in. I'm not saying folks in the past didn't have a rough go because they did. My way of looking at it says the most telling feature of our particular times is the assault on any and all things related to the truths God has given to us in His Word. Sure, that's always been at work but today it is open, promoted, and relentless. That's why I call it upside down. Black is now white. White is now black. Up is now down. Down is now up. Right is whatever one wants it to be. The foundations of morality and integrity have been replaced by what God calls the wisdom of this world, a fallen world. That's why I think these are perilous times and that's why we who know the Lord need to seek Him daily to help us to live in a way that demonstrates the truths He would have us to uphold. And, we need to encourage one another because once wrong becomes fully established as right, well, this old world is on its way out and we will be on our way up. Meanwhile, let's do what we can to influence as many as we can while we are here! Amen.

Fed up with how her diet is going, Charlene
takes a more serious aim at her target weight.
My mom really got a kick out of that little funny story I did the other day about the wife who kept 'helping' her husband while he was getting a speeding ticket. She said that one good laugh a day helps make the day. Since she is only a few days away from the anniversary of the 90th year of her sojourn here on the planet, well, we all might do well to listen to her advice. Of course funny is in the eye of the beholder. I read funny stories from other parts of the world and they may get a full belly laugh in their territory, but, the punch line evades me because I am not able to identify with the cultural details. In our world the chicken crossing the road is one that most people get. It's the one where one chicken stands on one side and hollers at a chicken on the other side,"Hey, help me out here, how do I get to the other side?" The other chicken hollers back, "Don't be so stupid, you are already on the other side!" Or take one that has this as a pay off: "Want to make money from Facebook? It's easy. Just go to your account settings and deactivate your account. Then get yourself up out of your chair and get to work!"

Mia's surgery was successful!
I finally re-watched the finale of this season's Duck Dynasty series. I missed it before because even though I was in a position to see it, in my recliner, all ready to go, my eyes failed me and I slept through it. Again. That was last Wednesday evening or night, depending on how you define it. I always have good intentions but they are not always able to be carried out. However, they reran it Sunday night and I was able to see it. Even then my wife kept calling across the room to remind me to stay awake. I think I might be experiencing the Paw Paw Mac syndrome where every time I get still I want to nap. He sure could do that, at a drop of a hat. But, I did watch it and it was a good one. Jase's little girl Mia, who is so precious, was having her fourth surgery to help correct her cleft lip. It was about how the family came together to support her. How they fellowshipped around her and how they prayed for her and stood by her. I was moved. Others watch that show and find a boatload of hate. I mostly saw the love of God being worked out among folks who love Him and others. And, I also stayed awake. Hurrah for me! Now it's up to us to get on with the day the Lord has given to us. May we do it in a manner that pleases Him and brings honor to His name. Amen.  ...More later.

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