Thursday, April 24, 2014

On April 8, a Star Trek afficiado made this claim: "Forty one years ago Captain Kirk made the first mobile phone call." My response: "Who knew?"

I bring you greetings from the semi-smart phone operator who is sending out his best wishes, not by text, but within this little greeting from the ole blogger ranch here on this Thursday, April 24, 2014. Semi-smart may be akin to semi-sweet as in chocolate but I am doing my best to improve. I do get a little weary from hearing folks that couldn't log onto a computer if their life was at stake, say to me, "Oh I forgot, you don't even do texting, do you?" No I don't but I can probably find out if your double first cousin ever did time. Just joking. Well, I am trying to improve my operational effectiveness as it relates to the new phone I received in December. The other morning I thought there was enough daylight to open up our shop without a flashlight but I was reminded once again of my inability to see in the dark. But what do you know? I remembered that I have a little flashlight on my new phone. Hello hello! I got that little dude turned on and it put out a little search beam that could penetrate a thick fog. Now that's a tool I can use. Only one problem. I couldn't figure out how to turn it off. I didn't want to go around with that thing shining in my pocket all day so I finally just shut down the phone and then turned it back on. I know. Read the instructions. I'm just glad I didn't issue some type of amber alert while I was fiddling around with that light. Don't laugh. I've never denied that I am a WIP (Work-in-Progress).

The other day I read a piece from a person who concerns himself with literature and he posed the following question, "Is Blogging A Threat to Quality Writing?" He thrashed around here and there, lamenting how that poorly written blogs actually are often rewarded with followers and cash for those who advertise on their sites. This typically reflects an interest in the subject matter or a connection to the writer. The good news is seen is his optimistic conclusion. He sees the bad stuff eventually being called out for what it is, and at the end of the day the good stuff will prevail. I hate to burst his bubble, but as this issue pertains to the stuff I do, well, that train left the station a long time ago. The major thing I strive for is in getting my message across, my point made, or my story told. I do from time to time wince a little at the way in which I've mangled the prose but typically I feel pretty good about the messaging I set out to accomplish. But I do admire those who busy themselves trying to police folks like me who operate for the most part with immunity. They do have their work cut out for them. I bet they were the ones the teacher made hall monitors when they were children. And, my guess is they enjoyed every minute of it!

I do not want you to get the idea that I don't do my best in terms of trying to get it right. I do try. We know that grammar is important. Punctuation does make a difference. We've all seen the example: Let's eat Grandpa! versus Let's eat, Grandpa! There have been misplaced commas that cost millions in the way contract provisions were written. I am the first to believe in the importance of communicating in a way that leads to understanding. Many historians have evaluated the role of misunderstood statements that eventually led to hostile situations and even war between countries. You can see it even in the exchanges that flow forth and back on social media sites like Facebook. Sometimes a poorly written posting, a left out word, or one that unintentionally causes doubt or confusion, well, it can lead to a fall out between friends. I am aware that at times the things I choose to write about are offensive to some folks because they do not agree with my reading of the facts. That I can handle. But I would never want to bring about a hurtful impact because I was lazy in my writing. The bottom line: I will keep on trying. I hear you: "You do a good job of being trying most of the time." Good point, but please don't submit my stuff to that fellow sitting out in the hall. Thanks. Have a great day and may God add His blessings to it. Amen.  ....More later.

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