Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Jesus: “Let not your hearts be troubled.”

Today is Tuesday, December 8, 2009 and this year acts like it is so anxious to get out of here. Maybe it's the down economy or the incessant bad news drumbeat that 2009 has had to endure. They are predicting better times ahead, therefore, maybe 2009 is thinking for the good of one and all he will just move on down the road. When it is all said and done this is our time, our life, and these are the conditions that are ours to deal with, 24 hours a day. We think we really have it tough but if we check a little in the history books we find that our life today is not bad, comparatively speaking. A fellow was telling me yesterday about a loved one of his being able to be successfully treated with medications that were not even known about twenty years ago. These tough financial times have taken a toll on families but when you think about 40% unemployment during the Great Depression and you see photos of those breadlines, we realize that we still have much to be thankful for. Finally, while this year may have been a downer for many, it has remained a year of continued faithfulness on the part of our Great God.

I say this realizing that I'm not one of those currently in the unemployment line but I have been and I know how it feels, and how that God was there and is there for us all. He is no respecter of persons, therefore, He cares about the hurting of each one. Historically, it has been in times of great trial that people tend to look up and that is one of the ways God has revealed Himself during times of need. On any given day there's plenty of things that go awry, enough so that each of us at times feel helpless and would just as soon cry ourselves to sleep. Stress and strain, relationships, family and friends, and the 24 hour cycle of dealing with stuff can be formidable for any of us on any given day. However, my wife and I used to sing a song many years ago that said this: "Jesus is right for whatever is wrong in your life."

I'll just tell you straight up, happy thoughts and the power of a positive outlook will not get the job done. There is a giant void in every heart or as one commentator put it, we all have a God sized hole in our heart that only He can fill. Sadly, too many of us tend to try and do it on our own and in our own way. I did it my way might make a successful song but God and His way is the only choice that makes sense out of the life He has given to His created human family. Some look at those of us who are believers and think we live in a dream world existence. NOT!! We have pretty much the same challenges as everyone else and sometimes even more. However, our faith in God and His faithfulness to us is what allows us to live for Him even during difficult days. Tears may define many days here but we who know God can rest assured that we will see Him and live with Him in a place where all tears will be wiped away, forever and ever, Amen. Have a blessed day! .....More later.

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