Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Attention Shoppers: Please calm down!

I can't believe it is Wednesday already on this December 23, 2009. Yesterday was my day set aside to go shopping. I am a very organized, focused, and efficient shopper. I go where the items are most likely to be found. I locate them and then go through the procedures necessary to purchase them. HOWEVER, the million of other folks driving shopping carts without a license, grabbing stuff almost out of your hand, arguing, elbowing, and generally driving you up the wall, did not get the memo about me being the quiet, hunter gatherer, that likes to get in and get out! The parking lots were full, the store personnel looked like they were in a daze. Check out lines were endless and the one thing that highly efficient shoppers who do not go very often have trouble doing is to pick the right cashier and the right line. I always get the one where the cashier talks. They talk to the person checking out about every item. They may be in the season but don't they realize it is actually changing while they are checking folks out? To make things worse, I had to go to more than one store. I hate it when that happens. I ended up going to three different stores and that is very depressing. They may retrieve my good shopper's certificate.

But I did finish, or at least I think I am finished. I have not gone through the gifts with 'who know who' that will have the final call on whether I am finished are not. She is off today and I hope to get that done early so we can breathe a huge sigh of relief. I will admit that I have had that occasional response of : What were you thinking? Just so you know, I am very much exaggerating and mostly joking about all of this because let me tell you how I prepared for my shopping excursion yesterday. First of all I went without any concern whatsoever, therefore, I could enjoy the entire experience. Secondly, I determined before hand to find and help anyone I could as I was out doing my thing. It may have been only letting them go ahead of me, or helping them reach something, or other small courtesy. But it made my day so much better. Lastly, I thought about those we were buying gifts for and how much we love them and how thankful we are that God has allowed us the resources to enjoy giving gifts.

Now you might call that kind of mind game cheating but I can tell you it worked for me. I'm not saying I wasn't disappointed in not finding exactly what I had in mind but overall I went with no expectation other than those mentioned above and it worked out great in the end. Mission accomplished, I brought a few smiles, children in the checkout lines noticed my resemblance to the jolly old dude, I contributed a few bucks to this cause or that, I helped a few people, and actually can say with all sincerity: It wasn't that bad! Sadly, it was obviously not so good for many of the other people I saw yesterday. The stress and strain was noticeable. And, no wonder, given the state of the economy and the pressures that surround us all. Many that I saw were moms with their lists in one hand and their eye on the price tags as well. In the end, Christmas is about caring because that's why we have a Christmas Day. He cared enough to fulfill His promise in sending His gift of salvation wrapped in swaddling cloths and laid in a manger. It's okay if you want to try the shopping techniques I mentioned to help make it a more pleasant experience. Have a great Wednesday and may God bless one and all. Amen. .....More later.

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