Wednesday, July 17, 2019

“The problem is politics is made a sport, almost as much a sport as football or baseball. When it comes to politics, adults and politicians do more finger-pointing and play more games than children ever do. Too often are we rooting for the pride of a team rather than the good of the nation.” ― Criss Jami

Good morning and welcome. It's Wednesday, July 17, 2019, and, we are here again to our time of sharing along with a cup of coffee, my preference is Community if it's all the same to you. I like Blue Bell ice cream, most especially the Homemade Vanilla. They recently came out with a homemade blackberry cobbler flavor. The wife bought me a half gallon. It's okay, but, nothing to write home about. I think my issue is the ice cream itself. In the past when we have blackberry cobbler we typically top it with Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla. Their new offering is not Homemade Vanilla. Oh well, it sounded like a good idea, and, over time, I will do my best to see that it does not go to waste. I quickly add it may be wonderful to some people. I will be the first to admit that my tasting ability is not what it used to be. Of course, trying to revisit the made from scratch blackberry cobbler produced by my Granny Mac and topped off with hand-cranked homemade ice cream, well, that train left a long time ago. Perhaps it was even better back then because we picked the blackberries. I may have been thinking of those days when I judged their new ice cream.

I sure hope the President knows what he is doing. They say he operates based on his instincts and what his gut tells him. I sure hope he knows what he is doing because at times he appears to be piling on in handing his opponents issues to use against him. Historians tell us that his use of social media has probably forever changed the presidency as we know it. No one can argue that he is thin-skinned. Take for instance the recent debacle involving the United Kingdom Ambassador. Some of this fellow's private assessments of the President and his administration were leaked. They were not kind. The President went into a rage against this ambassador and the soon to be leaving UK Prime Minister. The ambassador was not asked to, but, he resigned as a result. Here's my concern. Based on what I read, these private assessments tend to be blunt and they are not new. And, they are not reserved for the current resident of the Oval Office. Many of these have come to light over the years and they include some very negative comments about President Obama and many others who have held the office. Just me, but, I think a person in that office needs to be bigger than that and should reserve a scorch the earth response for something much more important. Just me.

Warts and all, I can not conceive of me voting for any of those who are currently seeking the nomination on the Democratic ticket. I heard yesterday the media is going to change the debate format to help disguise the wacko far-left agenda of those competing against each other. It will have something to do with the format of the questions to try and keep them from out lefting each other. Yes. I am aware that lefting is a made-up word, but, I feel very comfortable using it. Can you believe we are now living in a world where the debates have to be rigged to keep us from knowing the true beliefs of the candidates? This became necessary when everyone on the debate stage raised their hand saying they would support providing free medical care to any and all illegal immigrants. That caught a whole lot of folks off guard. Piling up benefits for illegals that are not even available to citizens, well, something had to be done. Okay. My wife is out of town on a mission trip, therefore, I dealt with the political stuff I had on my mind, at least, in a drive-by fashion. As I always say, you decide for yourself and may God guide our decisions. Amen. ....More later.

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