Thursday, July 11, 2019

"Never regret a day in your life. Good days give you happiness and bad days give you experience. Both are essential in life. All are God’s blessings, have a great day." ~ copied

Good morning and welcome. I do hope you are not still dizzy from looking at all of the forecast models trying to determine the direction of the most recent Gulf storm. It is Thursday, July 11, 2019, and, yes, I do know this storm is no laughing matter, and, I am praying for any and all who may be impacted by the potential impact. At the same time, it is interesting to see how the weather media covers these types of events. What it typically comes down to is a simple fact: They don't know until they know. It's been a while since I've seen one that originated as a low inland and it traveled out to the Gulf and got itself organized. Some of the rainfall predictions are very ominous, 12-15 inches, and even as much as two feet in isolated areas. New Orleans got a preview with the 7-inch rain they received yesterday morning. As we all were reminded in Katrina, with New Orleans being so many feet under sea level, a huge rain event can be devastating. May God help is my prayer.

Okay. The Salvation Army did not come late yesterday to pick up our old furniture. They said they would be here between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m., but, no show. Our new furniture is scheduled to arrive this evening. That makes for somewhat of a dilemma as I attempt to come up with a backup plan this morning. I should have had some of those already figured out, but, since they did actually call me and tell me they would be here, and they gave me a time frame, well, I thought they would come. You can't really talk to anyone at the Salvation Army. I left a message last night. Yep. Roseann Roseanna was right, "It's always something." I used to be recognized as having expertise in contingency planning, but, not today! I will be thrashing around this morning until I get this one solved. I mentioned to the wife a very convoluted way to have the old and new in the house temporarily. Too convoluted, and then some. Oh well, at least I have a few hours to get it done.

I am running just a tad late this morning. I typically try and get a wee bit of a headstart on my blog on the day before. That didn't happen yesterday. Too many of this, that, and the other to ever sit down and think about it. Oh well, some days are like that. And, just like the advice given to me many years ago by our late elderly neighbor and friend, Ellis, "Son, don't fret so over trying to keep the grass green, after all, no cows are going unfed." As it relates to my blog, if I get it done or not, no big deal. That doesn't mean I don't take doing them seriously because if you have read them for any time at all you do know that I work at it. There are more important things in life. A week ago I had the opportunity to spend a few minutes talking with a young lady about the most important decision one can ever make in life. She was the granddaughter of a lady who came to our apartment ministry. I shared with her how she could be saved forever and ever by placing her faith and trust in Jesus and His finished work on The Cross. Now, that my friend, is something more important than keeping the grass green or getting my blog published. Having a grip on the important things in life is always best. I may need to make a reminder note on that one. And, if you see a large truck from the Salvation Army, please send them my way. Take care, and may God bless each one. Amen. ...More later.

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