Tuesday, July 2, 2019

"The assertion that all men are created equal and are endowed with unalienable rights comes straight from the Christian Scriptures. Even though our nation fails to live up to this ideal in many ways, it is nonetheless an aspirational belief that is central to the Christian worldview." ~ Jimmy Scoggins, Pastor

With Independence Day coming up this Thursday, I would be remiss not to mention the remarkable celebrations held to commemorate God and Country this past Sunday morning and evening at our local fellowship, Mims Baptist Church. The music, the many different salutes and recognitions, the worship, and the preaching were phenomenal and it caused everyone there to be reminded of how God has blessed America. It's Tuesday, July 2, 2019, and I do hope today finds us all thankful for how God has provided for the nation we live in. To us, having a patriotic service without the honor due to our Sovereign God would be to neglect His presence and provision in the founding and the viability of our Republic. That is why we unapologetically make sure everyone knows our tradition is God and Country. We always honor those who paid the ultimate price on behalf of the freedoms we hold dear. We believe only God could achieve what America has been able to accomplish in her relatively short history. Our pastor made the point that America has been blessed by God in ways that have helped promote the Gospel throughout the world. Many Churches have discontinued their special services involving patriotic themes. They have come to believe there is a conflict between patriotism and Christianity. For believers, I couldn't disagree more. We live in the land of the free and serve the God that has given us true freedom in Christ. I think those go hand and hand, but, that would be my take. For what it's worth.

Last week when I wrote about those seeking to represent the Democratic Party in the upcoming Presidential Election, some may have winced at my pointed observations. You know. "How can I promise more free stuff than the other person?" Well, well, it would seem even the mainstream media has picked up on the astronomical costs associated with these promises. Even they are somewhat puzzled by the thought of how it all could be paid for. I will not rush to a 'told you so', but, just for the record, I did. At least in one moment of honesty, the most avowed of those devoted to socialism, well,  he actually said to pay for all these 'free' benefits the tax increase would have to be extensive including hitting the middle class. Hello? We thought it would only be the rich who would pay for everything. Here's something you can check out for yourself. I do not have it in front of me, but, I recall reading the results from an analysis of what happens when you soak the rich in our country. While it sounds so inviting to see this as an easy solution, that report showed some pretty interesting facts. If they were to take every penny of the funds held by the rich, it would still not be enough to pay for their 'free' programs. Every penny. And, forget about what happens to the rest of the tax base whenever the rich are completely divested of their fortunes. Little things like that. They matter.

The mainstream is telling us not to worry because when we move from the primary season to the general election, all of this promised nonsense will go away. What does that tell us about the status of our politics in this country? I'll let each of us think about that one for a while, and, then we can be informed. That may have been slightly tongue in cheek, but, I'll give you a little headstart, because it is very clear how the primaries are about survival, therefore, you do whatever you have to do to get the nomination. Once nominated you then have to broaden your message and appeal. This happens on both sides, but, it turns out, at this time, to be a glaring feature within those vying for the Democratic nomination this go round. Okay. I've said enough already about that. Did I mean before? Yes. No. Yes. No. Mostly. Maybe. Could be. Sorry. I was just practicing how it feels to talk out of all sides of my mouth. Won't those promises come back to haunt them later? Not if the mainstream has anything to do with it. Okay. Once again, I'm done. Almost. I did see an interview with the notorious Congressperson who called the immigration detention centers concentration camps. The interviewer, who is no friend to conservatives, said the immigration detention centers are operating like they were when they were established by the Obama Administration. He then asked if she had called them concentration camps under Obama. She fiddled, faddled, and fumbled around, but the clear intent was to say they are only concentration camps under Trump. That, by the way, was a huge insult to those who either survived the Nazi concentration camps or had close family members who did. They were incensed by the stupidity of these comparisons. We have some unbelievable stuff going on in our country today. With more on the way. Just my view. Feel free to have your own. May God bless each one and may He again bless our great nation, The United States of America. Amen. ....More later.

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