Thursday, January 18, 2018

"There's nothing quite as serene as seeing the countryside covered in a fresh sheet of snow." ~ copied, unatributed

Here's one for you. They ended up shutting down the Company yesterday. I didn't come in. They decided that to have everyone come in late, perhaps after lunch was probably not a productive venture, so, the decision was made to postpone everything until today, Thursday, January 18, 2018. Oh yeah, I almost forgot. They also called and canceled my doctor's appointment for Wednesday morning. That's two in a row for them. I know. Icy conditions and all of that. I did tell the lady this was the second time I had been canceled. She said, "But sir, it may not be safe for anyone to drive on the roadways." They will use any excuse. Don't you agree? The wife has a trip planned for later today over to Louisiana. She is going to check on her sister and to take care of some legal stuff regarding mom and dad's estate. We will have to make sure it's safe for her to travel before she leaves. Here's a bit of news: By Sunday, the highs are supposed to be back in the 70's. I think our lowest this week was 14 degrees as measured on one of the columns on the front of our house. For Christmas, our eldest gave me one of those very nice electronic display gadgets that give you a whole lot of information about the weather. It talks to that sensor on the column. We did hear of some in the neighborhood whose pipes were frozen. For us, it was brutally cold but we managed through it without incident. So far. We are thankful to be here at work and ready to get back into our daily routine. And, we do give God thanks for His provision. Amen.

The kids have been overjoyed to be out of school during the weather threat. They were off for two more days. They were all over Facebook with photos of them scraping up enough snow for a snowman, them using whatever they could find to do some sledding and other fun activities. However, they likely didn't see the notice that has revised the school year schedule. Those two days will have to be made up, extending the previously published calendar. I know how they feel. Enjoy now and deal with the consequences later. After all, by the time they get to May, two more days will hardly even be noticed. I did walk out to the mailbox Tuesday evening late but I guess the mail truck was canceled that day. That's about the extent of my cold weather activity. I do remember enjoying the very rare snowfall in Louisiana as a kid growing up. We were mostly just like kids are today. Have fun. Use every stitch of clothing you have because snow doesn't happen very often. At 71, we've learned to count the cost. Those days will have to be made up. Don't get out there and fall and hurt yourself. Don't expose yourself to the elements. There's a flu epidemic going around. Yep. That's what happens. However, coiled up in my recliner with a blanket watching NCIS isn't too bad either. Just say'in.

We've also seen a few episodes of Matlock, watched the Roy Rogers Show, the Lone Ranger, and a few other programs that qualify to be oldies but goodies to us. You noticed what? Those shows have been off for a long time? Your point? It's okay if people think we are out of the mainstream. We can handle it. We can manage when the grandchildren practice their eye rolls when they see what we are watching. And, I will be the first to admit that during the programs we watch you better be able to tune out the endless commercials or you will be depressed. I am aware that I am in the targeted group. I do my best to use my phone or find something else to occupy my time while they are giving all the dire ailments that need to be addressed. I read the other day a fellow's thoughts on why they call them Depends for old people. He said the same type of article for a child is called things like Luvs or Pampers. He said when a child uses that article they will still be loved and pampered. When an older person does the same thing, well, according to him, it Depends. Hey. I never knew that. You learn something all the time. You what? You can tell I've had some time on my hands? I suppose it is hard to cover my tracks. Enjoy the rest of your day and remember not to forget to thank God for it. Amen. ...More later.

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