Tuesday, January 16, 2018

"It was so cold I saw a hitchhiker holding up a picture of a thumb." ~ copied

We are now temporarily aware in these parts of how winter might feel. I hope this makes folks in cold weather states feel a little better since we've had a pretty good stretch where the frost has both been on and some days, it has stayed on the pumpkin. It's Tuesday, January 16, 2018, and I bid you a warm welcome. I noticed this past Sunday at the place where we meet to worship God there was a good number who showed up wearing real heavy duty winter clothing. Maybe they used to live where that was needed. I wore my suit. The windchill was slightly below freezing. The fellows greeting at the door looked like they were prepared to build an igloo at any moment. They commented that I was brave to get out without a coat. I had my suit jacket on. I will tell you this. When I get to the office and the temperature is right at freezing, that first cup of Community helps to keep me warm while the window unit heater is trying to do its thing. The smell of that coffee helps a lot. Speaking of that, the wife rode with me in the old pickup the other day. She is a keen observer. She said she could see the coffee stains on the seat. She said it was embarrassing. Really? Who knew? She then said she needed to get out there and scrub those seats. I was okay with all the criticisms up to that point. I told her that I did not want anyone messing with my pickup. Period. She should try holding a hot cup of sloshing Community driving 50 mph while at the same time dodging skunks, raccoons, coyotes, opossum, and deer, not to mention the occasional early morning driver out there messing with my schedule. (For the record, I am aware of those cups with a lid. I prefer a mug made for their Poppy by one of my grandchildren.)

I know someone out there must be wondering if I was going to quote my grandfather. You should know by now that his consistent word to me when he observed me shivering was, "Son, what are you going to do when it really does get cold?" He also made it clear time and time again that being cold was mostly in my mind. That served me well for so many years. The fact that it has something to do with the mind may account for the fact that I slowly but surely am not as able to deal with the cold as I once was. I can still manage it to a certain degree. But true confession requires me to say that on some days the penetrating and damp cold gets a hold of my bones and makes them rattle. You might recall that as a teen I was the all-time undisputed champion of the freeze out game. These days the wife even notices it from time to time. "What's up with you? Aren't you going to take your jacket off?" I remember when I was a kid we would go to my Uncle Claude's mechanic shop. He had those hunting and fishing magazines. They had one-page ads for battery operated socks. I used to lay in bed and dream about those battery operated socks. I think I heard others who said they didn't work that well. But, the idea of not having your feet frozen solid on the deer stand appealed to me. I can't be sure but those socks may have required a wagon to carry the battery back in those days. I'm sure all of that has greatly improved today. Maybe I should look into it. Maybe not.

The wife and I are coming off a spiritual high after the big Bible conference we attended at our local fellowship. We enjoyed some of the most God-honoring, beautifully presented music that I have ever heard. We had sermons from anointed preachers, two each evening, and they, with God's help, did know how, as they used to say back home, "to shuck the corn." God showed up big time. Conviction was heavy upon us all. It was one of the most stirring experiences I've been a part of in a very long time. It ended this past Sunday with two gut-wrenching sermons that left us challenged and uplifted. My point? Being stirred during the service time is a wonderful thing to have happen to anyone. It means that God is at work in your life. However, let's face the facts, it really doesn't amount to much unless I and others act upon what we heard and felt during this movement of God. Do we bask in the feelings we enjoyed or do we get busy making the changes that will help us to grow in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ? The good news? He's still working on me and I am thankful for that. He still has something I can do that will honor Him and help others. Pray for me that I will not forget how He spoke during this great time of revival. Amen. Until next time, may God bless each one is my prayer. Amen. ....More later.

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