Friday, January 26, 2018

“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.” ― Albert Einstein

Now we are talking. It's already Friday. That should be good news to a whole lot of folks here on this last Friday of the first month of the brand new year, on this January 26, 2017. As you know by now, I often get very worried about my number one nemesis: me, myself, and I. The other day someone said something that struck me as being funny and I immediately began to laugh. I almost fell over. Why? Without any fanfare whatsoever I found myself doing the Santa laugh. Are you kidding me? It just happened and it was spontaneous. Instead of my perfectly refined and sophisticated guffaw, I belted out a series of ho-ho-ho-ing. I hear what you are saying. It most likely came from that place where my alter ego resides. Yet, it sure got my attention. That's all I need. Please don't add another thing that I have to try and control. Just think. What if I were to be talking to one of our customers and suddenly I blurt out a question asking what they would like for Christmas. Have they been good or bad? You think what? Maybe the wife and I should keep that mental health emergency number on speed dial? I do appreciate your concern and that recommendation. It could get worse. What if I start counting reindeer in my sleep instead of sheep? Wait a minute. I don't count sheep, I typically just sleep. That's all I do. Please! Let's not complicate my life any more than it already is. Agreed? Thanks so much.

Let's face it. I don't write a farce, I actually live in one as a part of who I am. I'm sure I am not alone because we all have our moments. Take, for instance, last Saturday. I stopped by the tailor shop to pick up my Santa Claus coat. I left it there for them to make some upgrades. The place was overrun with people. Ladies were coming in and out of changing rooms with new clothes that needed to be altered. Younger women were trying on formals. One fellow had a pile of suits. He seemed resigned to the fact they all needed to be let out. (Been there, done that.) I know exactly how he felt. They brought out my coat and the owner, a wonderful Vietnamese American lady, asked me to please try it on. Everyone stopped what they were doing to watch me put on The Coat. How embarrassing. One lady came over to me and asked was I the one who appeared at a certain event. I told her I wasn't. She seemed unconvinced and said that I sure looked like the person she saw. (Folks, don't you think it might dawn on someone that all Santa Claus guys resemble each other?) I guess not. I passed out several of our souvenir photo cards hoping that would help get folks focused back on their own stuff. Another lady wanted to know when was the best time to contact me. I told her to send an email in August with the details and we would go from there. The Suit has some new features but I just wanted to get out of there. The alteration lady was insistent that I say it was what I wanted. I told her that we would see. The next time you think my life is easy, just think again, my friend, think again.

As you can tell, I have once again figured out how to plaster a lot of keystrokes and images onto the electronic page this week. If my count is correct, this is the 2,735th episode, therefore, I've had a fair amount of experience. Believe me, it is a labor of love, or, that's how I see it. Most days. I can identify with this quote from Robert Frost, "No tears in the writer, no tears in the reader. No surprise in the writer, no surprise in the reader." I'm talking about the sentiment of the quote, certainly not in any comparative sense to a great prose composer like Robert Frost. That sentiment has to do with writing from the heart. I've been blessed in my life to have had remarkable people who have made a difference throughout my sojourn. They have helped to define my journey. When I write about many of them it brings forth an emotional response. Of course, that has only gotten more so with age. If it keeps going in that direction I may have to turn in my 'man card'. I wonder when they start giving out oak leaf clusters for your 'man card'? That was supposed to be a joke. I do hope that you will have a most wonderful Saturday and that we all will find ourselves at the meeting place with others seeking to honor God on Lord's Day Sunday. Until next time, may God bless each and every one. Amen. ....More later.

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