Tuesday, November 3, 2015

"You will never cease to be the most amazed person on earth at what God has done for you on the inside." ~ Oswald Chambers, (1874-1917), was an early twentieth-century Scottish Baptist and Holiness Movement evangelist and teacher, best known for the devotional My Utmost for His Highest.

Good morning and welcome. It's Tuesday, November 3, 2015, and I send out a hearty hello to everyone tuning in today, intentionally or otherwise. What do I mean by otherwise? Easy. Searching on the internet causes us all land randomly onto unexpected sites when we are actually looking for something else. I know this happens to people who land on one of my daily blogs by accident. I have the comments to prove it. I'll not attempt to guess what folks thought when they saw what they found on my blog but I do know that God can use anything He chooses to get someone's attention. That's one of the reasons I always try to include a word of testimony about God's grace, mercy, and love that calls us all to a relationship with Him through the finished work of our Savior on the Cross of Calvary. I'm not trying to argue my beliefs versus what others believe. I've been invited to do that with some of the comments that come to me. I have responded with clarification but I think when the truth is before folks they must be willing to hear and respond to God's calling. To me it's more of my small way of doing what the illustration portrays, "One beggar telling other beggars where they found food and nourishment." It really isn't my invitation. It comes from our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, "Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28) Amen.

How about this new time change we are dealing with? The debates continue as to whether we should make these time changes. Here in Texas there is an ongoing campaign to stop both the Spring and the Fall clock adjustments. I've talked about this subject before. Researchers tell us that what many think to be beneficial, the "falling back" or reverting to standard time, because it is generally thought to be less physically stressful than the clock springing - forward, and since people get an extra hour to sleep that one morning, however, the research indicates that even a relatively small 60-minute time change can have effects on the body, health and even traffic safety. I'll not quote from all the research but there are established reports of increased incidents of heart attacks with the Spring change and more pedestrian injuries associated with automobile crashes after the Fall change. Obviously, body chemistry, sleep patterns, and environmental conditions are impacted. This impact is more of an issue to some than others. There are experts who think messing with the internal clocks for what they call an already sleep deprived people can lead to negative consequences. So, why do we do it? More daylight supposedly means more leisure which leads to more dollars being spent. That case is not universally agreed upon. Some believe when all the costs pro and con are measured, there is a sizable loss. I don't know. Probably like you, I just change my clocks and work through it as best I can.

I'm getting ready to teach a short series in our Bible study time on what it means to have a thankful heart. I listened to a sermon where the preacher was talking about the transformation that takes place whenever we turn our thanksgiving into thanks-living. I think it's obvious to most of us that actions speak when words may sound high and lofty but with the absence of proof they end up being just that, words only. True thankfulness is grounded in our appreciation for God and His provisions to us. When we are genuinely thankful from the inside out, well, that typically will show up as we go about our daily dealings. And, what a powerful influence it can have. On me, you, and on others as well. This month of November is a month where we all are reminded of God's blessings. I am already thinking about the many times we've celebrated our faith and family during the Thanksgiving season. In my mind's eye I see faces and fellowship and food from my going on nearly 70 years sojourn. Many of those I see have gone on to their reward. These memories are so very precious to me. I've got a lot to be thankful for and I sure need to be exercising that thankfulness each and every day. Let's make this month one for the record book in doing our best to honor God by finding a way with His help to fulfill His admonition to us, "In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." (1st Thessalonians 5:18) Take care and may God bless us all is my prayer. Amen.  .....More later.

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