Monday, February 23, 2015

"I remember your genuine faith, for you share the faith that first filled your grandmother Lois and your mother, Eunice. And I know that same faith continues strong in you." The Apostle Paul writing to his young assistant, Timothy. (2nd Timothy 1:5)

Here we go again. You know. The merry-go-round of life. This time it stopped and as we pause to catch our breath we find our location to be Monday, February 23, 2015. Our local fellowship where we attend services has an active teen ministry. They have recently set up their own Twitter account and they are currently advertising for folks to follow them. They are promoting their Twitter account on their Facebook page. I was looking at their Facebook page and one of the first photos was the one above. That was the evening last December we showed up as Santa and Mrs. Claus to have individual photos made with all the kids, of all ages. They were all amped up in preparation of a hayride and going to see Christmas lights. That photo reminds me of some of the truly rewarding stuff we get to do. I look at these kids and I see in them the future of our work and ministry. These are the ones who one day will be leading and singing the songs, playing the instruments, (many are already doing that), running the sound system, ushering, receiving the offerings, taking care of the nursery, teaching the lessons, maybe one or two will be preaching the message, and hopefully a good number will be doing outreach on behalf of our Lord and Savior. It's all about doing a hand off of our faith and practice. I look at that photo and see a fellow who was a young teenager when we first began attending back in 1976. He gave his heart to Christ, married a girl in the Church, and has been a faithful man of God for all these years. Today he is a grandfather who continues to influence his children and grandchildren for the Lord. He coordinates our worldwide mission program, volunteers wherever he is needed, (literally anywhere), and is one of the recognized and respected leaders in our fellowship. See what I mean? That's how it works. And, it's also about having a great time like they did on that particular festive occasion.

I need to give a shout out of thanks to my eldest son and his wife for allowing me to do a sleepover last Friday evening. (They live about 45 minutes to an hour away.) The reason I left home was because of the huge Women of Faith conference in Houston and my wife played hostess to a carload of ladies who had come from Louisiana to attend the conference. I called it a women of faith slumber party in our home but I'm not sure they cared for that designation. At any rate, these conferences are a big deal. How do I know? For one thing, they cost big bucks just to get in to have your socks blessed off.  No. They don't advertise people getting their socks blessed off. I do tend to adlib now and then. They have music worship leaders and typically high profile women speakers. These ladies present Biblical truths along with the books, cds and dvds they market. Of course that's just my outsider viewpoint. I understand that a few men do attend but may I just say this about that, I'm not interested in being one. Thanks, but no thanks. In the end, they had a good time, and if they got their money's worth, they should end up being better ladies, wives, and servants of the Lord. I'll be checking that out and I'll keep you posted on any discernible results. Just joking. (I better be!)

I was reading some insightful comments that the young hip kids wrote about their definition of 'old people'. Some commented about the 'old people' smell. That, by the way, is a reality. According to medical experts the chemical changes in the elderly do produce a unique odor. The precise basis for this is not altogether understood but on that one, there's at least some data to back it up. As far as the other things they said, well, some were pretty mean, but a few were amusing. ~ Old people are kind of scary. I sure hope I don't end up like the ones who ride the public bus. ~ They are the funniest kind of people who can be seen playing bingo and saying silly things. ~ They are people who came from the dinosaur age and they get some kind of sadistic pleasure from crushing the skin of your cheeks between their fingers. They also love to scream at anyone who sets foot on their lawn. ~ Some are good. They know how to make the best cookies and they can take a joke. Others are bad. They are always criticizing everything and everybody. ~ They are nature's simulator for the zombie apocalypse. Be careful, they may be non lethal and slow but they will attack in large numbers. Just like the zombies. ~ That gives us all something to think about. The age of old people was guessed to be anyone past the age of 30 and up. Here's an interesting quote from Jim Fiebig, "Age does not diminish the extreme disappointment of having a scoop of ice cream fall from the cone." With that, I bid you a great rest of the day Monday and Lord willing I'll see you next time. Take care and may God bless. Amen. ...More later. 

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