Thursday, February 26, 2015

“I believe in true love. But my opinion is tainted, because I also believe in Bigfoot, aliens, and in the existence of honest politicians.” ― Jarod Kintz, Author

Okay. Today is Thursday, February 26, 2015, and I think it's about time. I've held my peace long enough. I've done my best to withhold my thoughts but it's time to share them with my readers. I do not know what goes on behind closed doors at the White House but someone is not advising our President very well. He cannot bring himself to call those attempting to terrorize the world for who they are: Islamic Radicals. When three Muslim students were killed here in our country the President immediately made a statement that no one should be harmed because of their faith or the way they are dressed. In that particular case, thus far the authorities are yet to link the man who did the killing to anything connecting to the students being Muslim. Yet, the world reported on a recent video of the brutal execution by those calling themselves the Islamic State or ISIS. These were 21 Egyptian Christians who were murdered and the majority of the world's news sources stated clearly they died solely because of their professed belief in Christ. The world. When commenting on this butchery, the President could not bring himself to mention the fact they were Christians, merely referring to them as Egyptian citizens. He also indicated the attack by terrorists on a Kosher Deli in Paris was a random event that could have happened anywhere. This was despite the fact that the terrorists themselves had made phone calls indicating they were going to kill some Jews. I am not one who goes around trying to dig up dirt on the President. But, even to a lay person, these things should be concerning to us all. Surely, someone in his circle can make him aware of how this comes across. If so, one is left to consider the fact that he is comfortable with how he responds to these sad events.

Since I am on a roll, let me mention a few other things. Having taken over our nation's healthcare system, having decided by fiat how immigration will be managed without regard to the laws of our land, they now are moving closer and closer to a federal takeover of the internet itself. Yes. I know. They are doing it supposedly to make sure the little guy gets a fair shake in terms of response and data storage. Why is this dangerous? Read again that first paragraph and think about how it might be when folks who write things that go out on the internet and they do not please the regulators of the information highway. This potential, over time, could begin to have a chilling effect on free speech. They tell us this could never happen. Those telling us that are a part of the same administration who said you can keep your doctor if you like your doctor and your healthcare costs are guaranteed to be dramatically reduced. There's always a thought-to-be good reason to do something that often leads to huge unintended consequences, however, I'm not so sure how unintended they might be, given what I have observed in those pushing this new federal bureaucracy. I am not done but I am going to leave it at that and let you think about it and come to your own, hopefully, informed decisions on these critical issues that face our nation.

No. I don't need to take a time out to get my blood pressure back under control. I would much rather deal with my personal disagreements with the current administration based on policy as opposed to personal. The personal attacks I see posted here, there, and everywhere regarding the President, his wife, and his family do not reflect well on those who do the posting. Many times they are clearly cruel and mean-spirited. They also often include racial undertones. I know we all have our faults but I see these personal attacks at times juxtaposed to postings by these same folks speaking about spiritual values and love for all people. What a disconnect folks. What a disconnect! Therefore, I recommend that we stick to the facts, as best we can determine them. That's not easy to do. And, I might add that those on the other side of the aisle have their own games to play. I know. I said I was going to leave it at that but now I have written another paragraph. You should know by now the pen is mightier than the promise. Or something like that. Pray for our leaders including those in the highest levels of our government. Pray for our nation. Pray one for another. And, pray for revival. Amen. ....More later.

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