Monday, July 21, 2014

“One moment the world is as it is. The next, it is something entirely different. Something it has never been before.” ― Anne Rice, from her book, "Pandora"

"Nice fire. Looks tranquil to me."
The number 21 is on the list today. It has nothing to do with Blackjack. It does have everything to do with the day we have before us because it's Monday, July 21, 2014. We all have our prism through which we view things in life. It's not that unusual for people to look at the same thing but come to different conclusions about what they see. I know I have been very vocal about my views regarding the current status of our nation's health and well being. I know that many of you know this because you have endured my rantings. Last week the President's spokesperson, Josh Ernest, his new press secretary, pretty much shocked the reporters at the daily White House press briefing. Here's the quote that got everyone doing a double take: "The Obama administration's foreign policies in a number of areas have enhanced the world's tranquility." That word implies the following: quality or state of being tranquil; calmness; peacefulness; quiet; serenity. After everyone in the room got their eyebrows back in place, the questions began to fly. Tranquility? What about Russia's invasion in the Ukraine? What about Syria? What about Iraq? What about the all out war between Israel and Hamas? What about China's threats against her neighbors? What about Libya? What about the unmitigated crisis playing out in our own country on our southern border? If a world turned upside down reflects tranquility, then I readily admit that I must be living in an alternate reality. The reporters that challenged his assertion were like, "Are you kidding us?" But, there you have it, that's not a half full or half empty perception, that's like viewing things in the mirrors at the fun house. What say you? Update Note: The shooting down of a commercial airliner over Ukraine and the ground invasion of Gaza by Israel clearly demonstrates the foolhardiness of any claims of world tranquility.

I will readily admit that I could not resist sharing that one. It's things like this that define my concern for the current state of affairs of our dearly beloved nation. But, believe it or not, politics are not the driving force in my life. When I was writing that first paragraph I could hear my mom's voice from the past, "Son, why don't you leave well enough alone?" Sorry mom, but sometimes it just has to be said. Maybe I will make her question the title of my next book. What? You didn't know I had written a first one? I'm not sure either but I've probably written a ton of them over the years in this notebook and that one, on the backs of reports, and in these blog visits each day. And, I still have those short stories I did for children. Somewhere. I will find them one day along with the rejection letters I got from publishers. They didn't say they were bad. They just didn't see them fitting into their line. I had conducted my own testing of the material. I read one of them to my grandson and he thought it was real good. He was the age back then that I would have been targeting. But that was some time ago. What about self publishing? Good question. Illustrations? Tracking down these kinds of things will be a part of my new job when I am no longer doing the job I am doing now. I do hope I will be able to find those stories. You know. When the time comes. Bingo! I may have found something for my bucket list. But, I just remembered. I don't have one. Life can be tough at times. Especially when you are making it up as you go. Right?

Life can be about as unpredictable as the weather. Most of you know that I am a serial reader of obituaries. I know. I know. Many of you think that is borrowing grief when it is not needed. What fascinates me is how a person's life is summarized down to a handful of words. Some have more words than others. That likely reflects the cost of the funeral service or a willingness to pay the newspaper extra for additional space. Sometimes you can actually gain some insight into a person's life by the things emphasized in the write up commemorating their life. Some report the facts and others pay tribute. Here's one I read last week that spoke to the uncertainties in life. I'm not using the individual's name but here's how the obituary opened in the online edition of the Houston Chronicle, "...... ........., age 50 of Houston, Texas passed away July 8, 2014 in New Mexico after suffering a tragic hiking accident. He was there to attend his brother's funeral when the accident occurred." (I edited out names and specifics.) That write up jumped out at me as it reminded me of just how fragile life is, and, more importantly, what we have in mind to do, especially for the Lord, we might better get on with it. For as I have heard all my life, "You just never know what a day might bring." That's a little jolt to go with our coffee, (Community, please.), for the day. Take care now, you hear? May God bless each one. Amen.  ...More later.  

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